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all sin in him in the fore-mentioned sixth chapter to the Romans, proceeds to exhortation': "Let not sin therefore "reign in your mortal body that ye "should obey it in the lusts thereof. "Neither yield ye your members as in"struments of unrighteousness unto sin, "but yield yourselves unto God as "those that are alive from the dead, and

your members as instruments of righte❝ousnefs unto God." Which is founded on the union and communion which believers have with Christ; and it is set on with energy by the encouragement which the apostle gives in verse the fourteenth, "For sin shall not have the "dominion over you: for ye are not "under the law but under grace." The believer is led by the blefsed spirit to mix faith with his word of promise, and he derives strength in believing the faithfulnefs of God to fulfil it: moreover, as long as there is an inward rising against sin, and inward groaning, and mourn ing on account of it, this promise cannot fail of being accomplished to him; and these are, and should be looked on, as indisputable evidences thereof. His clear apprehensions of his state in Christ make spiritual exhortations very sweet and suitable to him. Our apostle is on 4 verses 12, 13,

the same subject in his epistle to the Colofsians. "For ye are dead, and

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your life is hid with Christ in God. "When Christ who is our life shall ap

pear, then shall ye also appear with "him in glory." We may see from hence that we should believe more concerning our being in Christ dead to all sin than we feel and experience of it in ourselves. Then follows the exhortation, "Mortify therefore your members "which are upon the earth; fornica"tion, uncleannefs, inordinate affection, "evil concupiscence, and covetousness, "which is idolatry." The believer feels the weight and sees the importance of these apostolic exhortations. They are şet home and applied to his heart by the Spirit of God. The believer renounces his former conversation and walk before conversion which were corrupt according to his deceitful lusts. He walks in the Lord's good ways, and runs with alacrity in the paths of divine commands. His outward walk and conversation are the true and real fruit of the secret and inward communion which he bath with Jesus. He walks before the Lord unto all well-pleasing, because he walks with God, as his God and Father in Christ Jesus, in secret and spiritual communion.

8 Chap. iii. 4, 5.

O thou holy and blefsed Spirit! from whom proceed all spiritual life and light, thou art the conveyer of them from Christ the fountain and head thereof to thy church and people. I blefs thee, O Holy Ghost! that thou hast communicated this life and light to my soul. I beseech thee to lead me to look to and believe on Jesus for my complete and everlasting discharge from all sin, and for everlasting purity and perfection before the Lord. Teach me the true scriptural doctrine concerning the spiritual mortification of sin. Thou hast set it before me in thy word, teach me the true method and practice of it. Lead me by faith to view the everlasting virtue and perfection of Christ's most precious bloodshedding. Help me to view my everlasting perfection in Jesus. Shew me my complete discharge and acquitance from all my inward and outward guilt and sin before the Lord through that one offering which perfects for ever. Lead me into constant fellowship with Jesus in his death. Help me to believe without the least doubt or wavering my union with Christ, and enable me to improve it, in receiving continual virtue and influence from him in believing, to the deadening and mortifying of every corrupt lust and affection. Do thou help me to put off the old man with his

deeds in my constant walk and conversation. Thus may I walk as the redeemed of the Lord, and be going on with renewed strength. I ask it for the honour of thy name, to whom with the Father and the Son be everlasting praise. Amen.

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On Sanctification, by which the Believer is made alive to God in Christ. How this is manifested by its fruits, with the outward evidences of it in putting on the new man.

ANCTIFICATION, or Gospel-HoliSmels, without which no man shall see

the Lord, comprehends the whole work of the Spirit of God within and upon us, from our regeneration to our eternal glorification. It is the fruit and blefsed consequence of his indwelling in us, and the continued effect of spiritual regeneration; which consists in making us partakers of the divine nature, i. e. in begetting within us a nature suited to take in spiritual things, and be properly affected by them.

Regeneration is the root, and sanctification is the bud, blofsom, and fruit which it produces. In our regeneration by the Holy Ghost we are made alive to God, and this is manifested by our faith in CHRIST JESUS. Our lusts are mortified, because we are quickened together with Christ. And what we style the Sanctification of the Spirit, which follows after regeneration hath taken place in us, consists in drawing forth that spiritual

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