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The Cherubim or Figure of the Great Ones.
The Christian Covenant in Hieroglyphicks. and the Origin of all Such among the Heathens.
Philofophical and Theological
Of the late truly LEARNED
VOL. I. Mofes's Principia, Part I.
Containing an Account of the Diffo-
Jution and Reformation of the Earth.
With an Effay to shew, that the
Air was the Rival set up against
God, and that a great Part of the
Bible was to set Men tight in that
VOL. II. Mofes's Principia, Part II.
Being an Account of the Natural
Agents which perform the Opera-
tions of Nature, viz. The Air, or
Fire, Light, and Spirit.
VOL. III. Mafes's Sine Principio; or,
the Meaning of the Names and
Titles of God; with an Intro-
duction to shew the Nature of the
Fall, of Paradise, and of the Body
and Soul.
VOL. IV. The Confufion of Tongues,
and Trinity of the Gentiles; being
an Account of the Origin of Ido-
latry, Confufion of Languages, and
thereby Lofs of Natural Philosophy
in the Heathen World, which is
preserved in the Bible.
VOL. V. Power Effential and Mecha-
nical; or, what Power belongs to
GOD, and what to his Creatures; in
which the Design of Sir Ifaac New-
ton, and Dr Samuel Clarke, is laid
VOL. VI. Glory or Gravity, or Glory
Effential; and the Cherubim ex-
VOL. VII. The Hebrew Writings
perfect. Being a Detection of the
Forgeries of the Jews; and an Ex-
planation of the various Ways it
pleased God to exhibit himself, and
the Covenant of Grace to Men, in.
VOL. VIII. Containing the Religion of
Satan, or Natural Religion; and the
Data in Chriftianity, Part I. which
are shewn to be the only Truths
Reason can exercise itself upon.
VOL. IX. The Data in Chriftianity,
Part II.
VOL. X. The Human Frame; or,
Agents that circulate the Blood ex-
VOL. XI. Glory Mechanical; or, The
Agents of Nature, and Manner of
their Agency explained, in Confir-
mation of the Principia. With a
Treatise on the Columns before the
Temple, to shew that the System
was represented there, and it's Me-
chanical Powers claimed to GOD.
VOL. XII. A Collection of several
Tracts. On the Instincts in the
several Orders of Creatures. On
Mining. Observations on Things
Printed for JAMES HODGES, at the Looking-glass, over-
against St Magnus Church, London-Bridge. 17.49.