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by that blessed hope, lately so feeble, to the worldly eye, but now again promising to be fully realised, by the preservation of Isaac's life. Submissive faith not only blesses its possessor, when it is exercised, but brings down, from on high, new communications of mercy. Not only does Abraham rejoice in his restored son, he also rejoices in more abundant promises now announced to him. "In blessing, I will bless thee," "I will make thee a great nation," are the angel's encouraging words. These promises, we know, were fully and liberally realised. Abraham's descendants soon occupied an important part in the history of nations. To them were committed the oracles of God, and they were dignified with the title of "his people." A nobler distinction, however, was included in the blessing. The promise of the Messiah was then more clearly announced, even that Messiah of whom Isaac was an emblem, and to whom all the prophets afterwards bore witness.

The consideration of the character of Abraham, and the events of his life, ought to lead those who anxiously inquire, "What shall we do to be saved?" to serious self-examination, whether they be indeed in the faith, and are desirous, that should they be tried, God may give them grace, by which they may be supported and sustained. The Patriarch's unbounded confidence in Jehovah, his zeal for God's honour, his living faith, are examples for every member of the christian church.

High as the example of Abraham was, there is still a more perfect for our imitation, Jesus Christ "the righteous." He dwelt amongst men, illustrating all that is best in holiness, and virtue, and to fulfil the law, and to make it honourable, he was "slain for us." As Abraham commanded Isaac to carry the wood for a burnt-offering, so Jesus bore the cross, on which he was to die. As in Abraham's sacrifice, we behold his beloved Isaac, Sarah's hope, and the heir of the promises, about to resign his life, so in the death of Jesus, we see God's beloved Son, the Heir of all things, the Prince of Peace, actually become a wounded, bleeding, and suffering victim. As Abraham's son disputed not his command, so Jesus freely delivered himself to death for us all. As through faith, Abraham inherited the promises, so in the atoning blood of Jesus, his disciples look for a new heaven, and a new earth," in glory everlasting. O the riches of sovereign grace, to us the children of men! To us, God hath indeed been a God of love. When angels fell, mercy was silent, over them the sword of justice was unsheathed, and deadly was its wound, - when Adam fell, he was expelled from Eden, and only a distant glimpse of future grace afforded. When the ancient world became wicked, it was swept away by the waters of an irresistible deluge.

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When the sins of the cities of the plain, provoked the wrath of heaven, fire consumed their unhallowed walls. But when Christ came, to visit a sinful world, he visited it not in anger, but in mercy. He announced that he came to seek and to save those who were lost.

Christ Jesus truly proclaimed amnesty to all who will come unto him, but he also warned against continued rebellion. These are his expressions : "He that is of God, heareth God's word: - ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." This anathema is still as powerful as the day it was addressed to the unbelieving Jews. Search ye, and try your ways, therefore, for if under any pretence, ye still refuse to become Christ's, and decline to honour him, as your Lord and Master, ye are not of God. Faithfully consider this assertion. Your judgment upon it involves, both your time and your eternity. O look upon him, whom you have so often pierced with the grievous wounds of sin. See him willing to forgive, if with humble, lowly, penitent, and obedient hearts, you turn unto him from the evil of your ways, in earnest prayer. O entreat for his mercy, who can alone pay your ransom, seal your pardon, and make your heart not almost, but altogether Christian. Amen.

Now may the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen.



Let us pray.

O LORD, we beseech thee mercifully to hear us; and grant that we, to whom thou hast given an hearty desire to pray, may by thy mighty aid be defended and comforted in all dangers and adversities, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Salvation and glory, honour, and power, are thine, for ever, O Lord. Thou art exalted above the highest praises of men or of angels. Yet thou art willing to shew thyself a very present God in every time of need, to the humblest believer in Jesus. In the righteousness of our Saviour, we now approach thee. It is by his merits only, we hope for grace, or sue for mercy, or implore the light of thy reconciled countenance before thy throne. O Lord, while we pray to thee in the attitude of suppliants, we would also come before thee, with praise upon our lips, and gratitude in our hearts. Well may our song be of mercy and

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