Privy Council may prohibit attempts to 41 & 42 VICT. 26. If it appears to the General Council that an attempt has been made by any medical authority to impose on any candidate impose restric- offering himself for examination an obligation to adopt or refrain tions as to any from adopting the practice of any particular theory of dentistry or theory of dental surgery as a test or condition of admitting him to examination, or granting a certificate of fitness under this Act, the General Council may represent the same to the Privy Council, and the Privy Council may thereupon issue an injunction to the authority so acting directing them to desist from such practice, and in the event of their not complying therewith, then to order that such authority shall cease to have power to confer any right to be registered under this Act so long as they continue such practice. dentistry by bodies entitled to grant certi ficates. Saving as to registration under 21 & 22 Vict. c. 90. Provision for conduct of examination by medical boards, if established. c. 90. 27. A certificate under this Act shall not confer any right or title to be registered under the Medical Act, 1858, in respect of such certificate, nor to assume any name, title, or designation implying that the person mentioned in the certificate is by law recognised as a licentiate or practitioner in medicine or general surgery. 28. In the event of a board being at any time after the passing of this Act established, whether under the name of a medical board or otherwise, for nominating on behalf of any two or more of the medical authorities examiners of persons desirous of practising medicine and surgery, whether such Board (in this Act referred to 21 & 22 Vict. as a medical board) is established under the Medical Act, 1858, or otherwise, a person shall not receive a certificate of fitness to practise as a dentist from any medical authority represented on such board, or, if such board is established for the whole of England, Scotland, or Ireland, shall not be entitled to be registered in respect of any certificate obtained in England, Scotland, or Ireland, as the case may be, unless he has obtained from such board a certificate that he has shown by examination that he is qualified to practise dentistry dental surgery: Provided that one half at least of the examiners at any such examination shall be persons registered under this Act. or The medical board shall, in such manner as may be from time to time directed by the General Council, certify to the general registrar and to the medical authorities the persons who have shown by examination that they are qualified to practise dentistry or dental surgery, and every person so certified shall on application receive from the Royal College of Surgeons of England, or the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, or the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, or the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, a certificate of fitness constituting such person a licentiate in dental surgery or dentistry of such college or faculty. If a medical authority certify to the general registrar the names and addresses of the persons who, having been so certified by a medical board, have received certificates from that authority, together with the other particulars required for the registration of such persons, the general registrar may, upon payment of the registration fee, register every such person in the dentists register without application from that person. The General Council shall have the same power of making rules respecting the examination of persons desiring to obtain certificates of being qualified to practise dentistry or dental surgery as they have for the time being in respect of the examination of persons desiring to obtain a qualification to practise medicine and surgery, and there shall be the same right of appeal to the Privy Council against such rules. The General Council and the Privy Council shall have the same control over the medical board, so far as regards the examination of persons desiring to practise dentistry or dental surgery, as they have as regards the examination of persons desiring to practise medicine and surgery, and shall have the same power of dismissing the members of such board. The General Council may cause to be framed, and may approve, and when approved, submit to the Privy Council, a scheme to carry into effect the provisions of this Act with respect to a medical board, and rules respecting examinations, and for extending, with or without any exception or modification, to the examination of persons desirous of practising dentistry or dental surgery, the provisions of any Act for the time being in force with respect to the examination of persons desiring to practise medicine or surgery, and any such scheme when confirmed by the Privy Council shall have full effect. Any such scheme may provide for the fees to be paid on admission to the examinations, and for the application of such fees for public purposes, and generally for such matters as appear to be necessary or proper for carrying into effect the scheme and regulating the examinations. Supplemental. 29. A copy of the register of dentists for the time being, pur- Evidence of porting to be printed and published in pursuance of this Act, shall registration. be evidence in all cases (until the contrary be made to appear) that the persons therein specified are registered according to the provisions of this Act; and the absence of the name of any person from such copy shall be evidence (until the contrary be made to appear) that such person is not registered according to the provisions of this Act: Provided that, in the case of any person whose name does not appear in such copy, a certified copy under the hand of the registrar of the General Council of the entry of the name of such person in the dentists register shall be evidence that such person is registered according to the provisions of this Act. sons. 30. Every person registered under this Act shall be exempt, Exemptions of if he so desires, from serving on all juries and inquests whatsoever, registered perand from serving all corporate, parochial, ward, hundred, and township offices, and from serving in the militia; and the name of any registered person shall not be returned in any list of persons liable to serve in the militia or in any such office as aforesaid. 31. The powers by this Act vested in the Privy Council may be Exercise of exercised by any two or more of the Lords and others of Her powers by Majesty's most honourable Privy Council. Privy Council. Any order made by the Privy Council, or any appeal to them under this Act, may be made conditionally or unconditionally, and may contain such terms and directions as to the Privy Council seem just. 32. All moneys arising from fees paid on registration or from the Application of sale of copies of the registers, or otherwise received by the General fees. Council under this Act, shall be applied, in accordance with such Accounts to be published. Penalty on wilful falsification of registers. Penalty for obtaining false representations. regulations as may be from time to time made by the General Council, in defraying the expenses of registration and the other expenses of the execution of this Act, and subject thereto, towards the support of museums, libraries, or lectureships, or for public purposes connected with the profession of dentistry or dental surgery, or towards the promotion of learning and education in connexion with dentistry or dental surgery. 33. The treasurers of the General and Branch Councils shall enter in books to be kept for that purpose a true account of all sums of money by them received and paid under this Act; and such accounts shall be submitted by them to the General Council and Branch Councils respectively at such times as the councils may respectively require. Such accounts shall be published annually, and shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament in the month of March in every year, if Parliament be then sitting, or if Parliament be not sitting, then within one month after the commencement of the next sitting of Parliament. 34. Any registrar who wilfully makes or causes to be made any falsification in any matter relating to any register under this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in England or Ireland, and in Scotland of a crime or offence punishable by fine or imprisonment, and shall, on conviction thereof, be liable to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding twelve months. 35. Any person who wilfully procures or attempts to procure himself to be registered under this Act, by making or producing or registration by causing to be made or produced, any false or fraudulent representation or declaration, either verbally or in writing, and any person aiding and assisting him therein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in England and Ireland, and in Scotland of a crime or offence punishable by fine or imprisonment, and shall, on conviction thereof, be liable to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding twelve months. Notice of death ers. 36. Every registrar of deaths in the United Kingdom, on receiving of practition- notice of the death of any person registered under this Act, shall forthwith transmit by post, to the registrar of the General Council and to the registrar of the Branch Council for that part of the United Kingdom in which the death occurs, a certificate under his own hand of such death, with the particulars of time and place of death, and may charge the cost of such certificate and transmission as an expense of his office. Provision for certain stu dents. 37. Any person who has been articled as a pupil and has paid a premium to a dental practitioner entitled to be registered under this Act in consideration of receiving from such practitioner a complete dental education, shall, if his articles expire before the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and eighty, be entitled to be registered under this Act as though he had been in bonâ fide practice before the passing of this Act: Moreover it shall be lawful for the General Council by special order to dispense with such of the certificates, examinations, or other conditions for registration in the dentists register required under the provisions of this Act, or under any byelaws, orders, or regulations made by its authority, as to them may seem fit, in favour of any dental students or apprentices who have commenced their professional education or apprenticeship before the passing of this Act. 38. All byelaws, orders, and regulations made by the General Byelaws. Council, or by any medical authority under the authority of this Act, shall be made and may be from time to time altered or revoked in such manner, and subject to such approval or confirmation (if any), as in the case of other byelaws, orders, or regulations made by such medical authority. 39. Subject to the other provisions of this Act, all notices and Services of documents required by or for the purposes of this Act to be sent notices by may be sent by post, and shall be deemed to have been received post. at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of post; and in proving such sending it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing the notice or document was prepaid, and properly addressed, and put into the post. Such notices and documents may be in writing or in print, or partly in writing and partly in print, and when sent to the General Council, or a medical board, or a medical authority, shall be deemed to be properly addressed if addressed to the General Council, medical board, or medical authority, or to some officer of such Council, board, or authority, at the principal office or place of business of such Council, board, or authority; and when sent to a person registered in the medical register, shall be deemed to be properly addressed if addressed to him according to his address registered in that register. 40. All fees under this Act may be recovered as ordinary debts Recovery of due to the General Council, and all penalties under this Act may penalties. be recovered and enforced as follows, that is to say:-In England, before two or more justices of the peace, in manner directed by the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled "An "Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders," and any Act amending the same; and in Scotland, before the sheriff or sheriff substitute, or two justices, in manner provided by the Summary Procedure Act, 1864, 27 & 28 Vict. and any Act amending the same; and in Ireland, within the police c. 53. district of Dublin metropolis, in manner directed by the Acts regulating the powers and duties of justices of the peace for such district or of the police of such district, and elsewhere in Ireland, before two or more justices of the peace, in manner directed by the Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, and any Act amending the same. 14 & 15 Vict. The SCHEDULE. DECLARATION required to be made by a person who claims to be registered under the Dentists Act, 1878, on the ground that he was bonâ fide engaged in the practice of dentistry, at the date of the passing of the Dentists Act, 1878. I, , residing at hereby declare that I was bonâ fide engaged in the practice of dentistry at at the date of the passing of the Dentists Act, 1878. day of 18 . NOTE.-Any person who wilfully procures or attempts to procure himself to be registered under this Act, by making or producing, or causing to be c. 93. Section 7. 23 & 24 Vict. c. 68. Act to be one with 23 & 24 Vict. c. 68. Highway Boards may make improvements, and borrow money for the purpose. Estimate of expense to be made, and notice to be given. How notice to be given. inade or produced, any false or fraudulent representation or declaration, either verbally or in writing, and any person aiding and assisting him therein, is liable under the Dentists Act, 1878, to imprisonment for twelve months. CHAPTER 34. An Act to amend the Law relating to Highways in South Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: 1. This Act shall be cited as the South Wales Highway Act Amendment Act, 1878, and so far as is consistent with the tenor thereof, shall be construed as one with the South Wales Highway Act: 2. The Highway Board for each district may make such improvements as are herein mentioned in the highways within their jurisdiction, and may, with the approval of the County Roads Board of the county in which they are situate, borrow money for the purpose of defraying the expenses of such improvements. 3. Previously to applying for the approval of the said County Roads Board, the Highway Board shall cause an estimate of the expense of the improvements to be made, and one month at the least before making their application shall give notice of their intention to do so. Such notice shall state the following particulars : 1st. The nature of the work, the estimated amount of expense 2nd. The parish or parishes within the highway district by which the same: 4th. The date of the meeting of the County Roads Board at which the application for such approval as aforesaid is to be made. 4. Such notice shall be given as follows: 1. By transmitting a copy to the clerk of such County Roads Board: 2. By placing a copy of such notice for two successive Sundays on the door of every church and chapel of the parish or parishes on behalf of which such works are to be done, or, in the case of a parish not having a church or chapel, on some conspicuous position in such parish. |