Table B.-Acts of former Sessions repealed and amended-continued. Act of the Irish Parliament repealed by 41 & 42 Vict. c. 57. Subject-matter of Act repealed. 15 Geo. 2. (cont.) For more effectual securing the payment of Rents and preventing To revive and amend an Act for erecting and continuing Lights in Granting and continuing an additional Duty on Beer, Ale, Strong Granting a further additional Duty on Wine, &c. For the more effectual Transportation of Felons and Vagabonds. To take away the Benefit of Clergy, &c. Continuing several expiring Statutes. Allowing further Time to Persons to qualify themselves pursuant to the Act to prevent the further Growth of Popery. To prevent the pernicious Practice of burning Land, &c. To oblige Ships coming from Places infected more effectually to per- To make it High Treason to hold Correspondence with the Sons of the Granting and continuing an additional Duty on Beer, &c. Granting an additional Duty on Wine, &c. Continuing and amending several Laws relating to His Majesty's For Licensing Hawkers and Pedlars; and for Encouragement of English Repealing several Acts for the Encouragement of the Hempen and For more effectual preventing His Majesty's Subjects from entering Allowing further Time to Persons to qualify themselves pursuant to To continue and amend the Act relating to the Militia of the Kingdom. For better regulating of Corporations. For annulling all Marriages celebrated by any Popish Priest. Reviving and continuing several temporary Statutes. Continuing and amending the Act for buying and selling of Corn, &c. For Licensing Hawkers and Pedlars; and for the Encouragement of For continuing and amending several Laws relating to His Majesty's Allowing further Time to Persons to qualify themselves pursuant to Amending the several Acts for better regulating of Juries. Reviving, continuing, and amending several temporary Statutes. To amend the Act for vesting in His Majesty all Lands whereon To amend and make more effectual the Act for better regulating Elections, &c. Amending the Laws in relation to Fines and Common Recoveries, &c. 715 INDEX TO THE PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES, 41 & 42 VICTORIA.-A.D. 1878. Several Public Acts of a Local Character have been placed amongst the Local and Personal Acts. ACCEPTANCE OF BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A. See BILLS OF EXCHANGE; p. 125. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF DEEDS BY MARRIED WOMEN (IRELAND): To remove doubts concerning the due Acknowledgment of Deeds by Married Women Preamble recites 4 & 5 W. 4. c. 92. (Abolition of Fines, &c. Ireland), and 40 & 41 Vict. § 1. Extent of Act; p. 200. 2. Short title; ib. 3. Acknowledgment of deed not impeachable by reason only of party before whom same was 4. Staying proceedings for quashing certificate of acknowledgment; ib. 5. High Court of Justice may make rules; ib. See EXPIRING LAWS CONTINUANCE; p. 575. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT CONTINUANCE. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. See- ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF DEEDS, &c. ; p. 199. PETTY SESSIONS CLERKS AND FINES (IRELAND); p. 571. PRISONS; pp. 286, 539. STATUTE LAW REVISION; pp. 503, 651. pp. 238, 275. TERRITORIAL WATERS JURISDICTION; WEIGHTS AND MEASURES; p. 308. To facilitate improvements in the Organisation of the Admiralty and War Office by § 1, 2. Power to pay gratuities to retiring clerks in the Admiralty and War Office; p. 498. 3. Certificate of retirement from service; p. 499. 4. Gratuities to be in addition to ordinary superannuation allowance; ib. 5. Copies of warrant to be laid before Parliament; ib. 6. Payment to be made by Commissioners of the National Debt; ib. 7. Moneys paid for gratuities to be repaid by annuities; ib. 8. Consolidated Fund to repay advances to Commissioners if necessary; p. 500. 9. Annuities to be applied to repay issues from the Consolidated Fund; ib. 10-12. Definition; saving clause; short title; ib. ADULTERATION OF SEEDS: To amend the Adulteration of Seeds Act, 1869 (32 & 33 Vict. c. 112.). Ch. 17. § 1. Short title; p. 189. Page 189. 2. Amendment of section 2 of 32 & 33 Vict. c. 112. as to the meaning of the term "to dye ANIMALS. See CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (ANIMALS); p. 581. APPROPRIATION OF SUPPLIES: To apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending the ARMY. See MUTINY; p. 20. ARRANMORE POLLING DISTRICT: Page 543. To amend the Law in respect to the Polling District of Arranmore (Ireland). Ch. 75. Preamble recites 25 & 26 Vict. c. 62., and 35 & 36 Vict. c. 33.; p. 619. Page 619. B. BATHS AND WASHHOUSES: To amend the Law relating to Public Baths and Washhouses. Ch. 14. Preamble recites 9 & 10 Vict. c. 74. and 10 & 11 Vict. c. 61.; p. 126. 1. Short title of Act; and meaning of "covered swimming bath; ib. Page 126. 2. Construction of Act with Statute Law Revision Act, 38 & 39 Vict. c. 66; and with Public 3. Covered swimming baths authorised; p. 127. 4. As to charges for swimming baths; ib. 5, 6. Power to close swimming baths for a limited period, and power to make byelaws; ib. 8. Power to make charges for gymnasium, &c.; ib. 9. Powers of borrowing, &c. extended to this Act; ib. 10, 11. Power to remove offenders, and to refuse admittance to baths, &c. to offenders; p. 128. 13. Expenses of Act, and income arising to be applied as under principal Act; ib. 14. Increase of charge; ib. SCHEDULE OF CHARGES; ib. BILLS OF EXCHANGE: To declare the law relating to the Acceptance of Bills of Exchange. Ch. 13. Page 125. § 1. Declaration of law as to acceptance of Bill of Exchange; p. 126. 2. Saving as to proceedings before passing of Act; ib. 3. Short title; ib. BILLS OF SALE: To consolidate and amend the Law for preventing Frauds upon Creditors by secret Bills Page 241. § 1-4. Short title; commencement, and application of Act; interpretation of terms; p. 241, 242. 6. Certain instruments giving powers of distress to be subject to this Act; ib. 7. Fixtures or growing crops not to be deemed separately assigned when the land passes by the BILLS OF SALE-continued. § 8, 9. Avoidance of unregistered bill of sale in certain cases, and of certain duplicate bills of 12. Form of register; p. 246. 13. The registrar; ib. 14. Rectification of register; ib. 15. Entry of satisfaction; ib. 16. Copies may be taken, &c.; ib. 17. Affidavits; p. 247. 18. Fees; ib. 19. Collection of fees under 38 & 39 Vict. c. 77. s. 26. (Judicature Act, 1875); ib. 20. Order and disposition; ib. 21. Rules for purposes of Act; ib. 22. Time for registration; ib. 23. Repeal of Acts, 17 & 18 Vict. c. 36. and 29 & 30 Vict. c. 96; ib. 24. Act not to extend to Scotland or Ireland; ib. SCHEDULES; p. 248. BISHOPRICS: To provide for the foundation of four new Bishoprics in England [Liverpool, Newcastle, § 1. Short title; p. 564. 2. Public contributions to endowment fund; ib. 3. Contribution to endowment fund from existing bishopric; p. 565. 4. Establishment of bishopric on provision of sufficient endowment; ib. 5. The number of bishops sitting in Parliament not to be increased; p. 566. 6. Appointment of bishop of new bishopric; ib. Page 564. 7. Scheme of Ecclesiastical Commissioners approved by Order in Council as to courts, offices of 8. Trusts of bishopric endowment fund; p. 567. 9. Confirmation of scheme and validity and publication of Orders in Council; p. 568. 10. Amendment of Bishopric of St. Albans Act, 38 & 39 Vict. c. 34.; ib. 11. Power to re-arrange boundaries of the dioceses of Manchester and Liverpool; p. 569. 12. Saving as to service as incumbeut or curate in transferred parishes; ib. 13. Common fund of Commissioners not applicable to endowment; ib. 14. Definition of "ecclesiastical parish "; ib. BRIDGES (SCOTLAND). See ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCOTLAND); p. 342. BRITISH MUSEUM: To enable the Trustees of the British Museum to remove portions of their Collections. Page 501. § 1. Power to remove certain collections specified in Schedule to South Kensington; p. 502. 3. Power to give away duplicate works, objects, &c.; ib. 4. Questions as to classification of objects; ib. 5. Saving clause; ib. 6. Short title of Act; ib. SCHEDULE; ib. BUILDINGS (METROPOLIS) ACTS AMENDMENT. See METROPOLIS MANAGEMENT, &c.; C. CATTLE PLAGUE. See CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (ANIMALS); p. 581. CHILDREN, EMPLOYMENT OF. See FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS ; p. 137. CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE. See MONUMENTS (METROPOLIS); p. 239. CLERKS IN ADMIRALTY AND WAR OFFICE. See ADMIRALTY AND WAR OFFICE REGU- L |