An act for taking away the court of wards and liveries and tenures, in capite and by knights service, and purveyance, and for settling a revenue upon his majesty in lieu thereof... Statutes at Large ... - Page 509de Great Britain - 1878Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
| 1733 - 750 pages
...faid Aft made in the izth Year of the Reign of the Lite King Charles the Second [intituled, An Aft for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite and by Knigbti Service, and Purveyance, and for jettling a Revenue in lieu thereof] it was enafled, that all... | |
| 1733 - 400 pages
...and by an A£t made in the i2th Year of the Reign of King Charles II. [intituled, An Att for toeing away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite and by Knights Service, and Purveyance, and far fettling a Revenue tfpon his Mnjefty in lieu thereof^ or by any other Law now... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 524 pages
...and removals. WHEREAS by an aft of parliament in the twelfth year Oj his Majejlies reign, intituled, An act for taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in Capite and by knightsfervice, and purveyance, and for fettling a revenue upon his Majefty in lieu thereof, /'/ was... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 570 pages, ale, and other liquors, for, the increafe of his Majefty's revenue during his life. Cap. 24. For taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in capite? and by knights fervicc, and purveyance, and for fettling a revenue upon his Majefty in lieu thereof. Cap. 25. For... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 462 pages
...made and in the twelfth year of the reign' of his ¡aie Majeßy King Charles the fécond, (intituled, An act for taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in Capite, and by knights fervice, and purveyance ; and for fettling a revenue upon his Majefty in lieu thereof) /'/ is amongft... | |
| Great Britain - 1807 - 382 pages
...aft, made in to ¿hi» au, the twelfth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, (intituled, An aQ for taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in capite, and by knights fervice and purveyance, and far fettling a revenue upan his Majtfty in lieu thereof), or by any other... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 522 pages
...removals. WHEREAS by an aft of parliament in the twelfth year of his Majeßies reign, intituled, An aft for taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in Capite and by knightsfervice, and purveyance, and for fettling a revenue upon his Majefty in lieu thereof, // was... | |
| William Roberts - 1809 - 750 pages
...wills of such as possessed them in fee simple. By this statute, which, as the title . declares, was " for taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in capite, and by knight's service, and purveyance, and for settling a revenue upon his majesty in lieu thereof," all... | |
| Thomas Bayly Howell, Thomas Jones Howell - 1812 - 728 pages
...statute made in the IStb year of the reign of king Charles the second, entituled,." An Act for the taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in capite,< and by knights service, and purveyance, and tor settling a revenue upon his majevty in lieu 8 thereof;" the said Racbel Tyson... | |
| South Carolina, Joseph Brevard - 1814 - 620 pages the 12th year of the reign to be of force, of king Charles the second, chapter 24, entitled, Jin act for taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in capite, and by knight service and purveyance, Sfc. whereby it is enacted, ' That all tenures by the common law, whether... | |
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