Domestic Animals: a Pocket Manual of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry, Or, How to Breed and Rear the Various Tenants of the Barn-yard: With a Chapter on Bee-keeping

Forsler and Wells, 1858

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Page 94 - I remained on this farm, a severe blast of snow came on by night, about the latter end of April, which destroyed several scores of our lambs; and as we had not enow of twins and odd lambs for the mothers that had lost theirs, of course we selected the best ewes, and put lambs to them. As we were making the distribution, I requested of my master to spare me a lamb for a hawked ewe which he knew, and which was standing over a dead lamb in the head of the Hope, about four miles from the house. He would...
Page 34 - There is nothing in which the different effect of hard and soft water is so evident, as in the stomach and digestive organs of the horse. Hard water, drawn fresh from the well, will assuredly make the coat of a horse unaccustomed to it stare, and it will not unfrequently gripe and otherwise injure him.
Page 65 - A straight and flat back without ever a hump ; She's wide in her hips, and calm in her eyes, She's fine in her shoulders, and thin in her thighs ; She's light in her neck, and small in her tail, She's wide at the breast, and good at the pail She's fine in her bone and silky of skin, She's a grazier's without, and a butcher's within.
Page 119 - ... apparent on its plumage. The thoroughbred birds of the fancy should be entirely black, as far as feathers are concerned, and when in high condition display a greenish metallic lustre. The combs of both Cock and Hen are exceedingly large, of a vivid and most brilliant scarlet ; that of the Hen droops over on one side. Their most singular feature is a large white patch, or ear-lobe, on the cheek, of a fleshy substance, similar to the wattle, which is small in the Hens, but large and very conspicuous...
Page 36 - requires little more to be i.lone to him than to have the dirt brushed off his limbs. Regular grooming, by rendering his skin more sensible to the alteration of temperature and the inclemency of the weather, would be prejudicial. The horse that is altogether turned out, needs no grooming. The dandruff or scurf, which accumulates at the roots of the hair, is a provision of nature to defend him from the wind and the cold.
Page 142 - ... of a year's growth, and in the moulting season they spontaneously fall off, and are supplied by a fresh fleece. When, therefore, the geese are in full feather, let the plumage be removed, close to the skin, by sharp scissors. The produce would not be much reduced in quantity, whilst the quality would be greatly improved, and an indemnification be experienced, in the uninjured health of the fowl, and the benefit obtained to the succeeding crop.
Page 10 - The steeds rush on in plunging pride ; But where are they the reins to guide ? A thousand horse, and none to ride ! With flowing tail, and flying mane, Wide nostrils, never...
Page 119 - Chesterfield's attentions to old ladies, and much more unaffected. Nor does he merely act the agreeable dangler ; when occasion requires, he is also their brave defender, if he be good for anything. " The hen is deservedly the acknowledged pattern of maternal love. When her passion of philoprogenitiveness is disappointed by the failure or subtraction of her brood, she will either go on sitting till her natural powers fail, Or will violently kidnap the young of some other fowl and insist upon adopting...
Page 42 - HALTER. This is a trick at which many horses are so clever, that scarcely a night passes without their getting loose. It is a very serious habit, for it enables the horse sometimes to gorge himself with food, to the imminent danger of staggers ; or it exposes him, as he * Note by Mr.

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