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exceed the sum of $30 for the year 1886, unless further ordered by the Board of Managers.

The President, by order of the Board, appointed Dinsmore and Humphrey delegates to the National Fair Association, Indianapolis, February next, expenses to be paid by this Board.

By same order, John Jensen was appointed delegate to the American Agricultural Congress, New York city, in February next, his expenses to be paid by this board.

On motion of Mr. McIntyre, the sum of $1,500, or so much thereof as may be required, be appropriated to enlarge the amphitheatre on grounds, the same to be expended under the direction of the President and Board of Managers. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That before the Board of Managers expend any money in the erection of buildings on the fair grounds they will first obtain from the Nebraska Exposition Association, owning the grounds, permission to erect said buildings, and to remove the same at the end of four years, or at any time the Board may see fit or desire to do so.

The Committee on Premium Lists appointed by President Dinsmore reported it had not completed its work. By vote of this Board the committee was continued in order to complete its work, which when completed it shall submit to the Board of Managers, who shall have full power to act in all matters pertaining thereto.

The matter of compensating the House hall janitor and engineer for care of hall during this session was referred to the Board of Managers with power to act.

The matter of paying expenses of delegates appointed to various national meetings was referred to the Board of Managers for their approval.

On motion the Board adjourned sine die.


LINCOLN, NEB., Sept. 16th, 1886.

Regular semi-annual meeting State Board of Agriculture convened at office of the Board, Capital Hotel, at 8 o'clock.

President S. M. Barker presiding. Secretary, Robt. W. Furnas. Members present: J. D. Macfarland, J. B. McDowell, S. H. Webster, H. D. Kelley, C. Hartman, J. Jensen, E. N. Grennell, R. R. Greer, E. A. Barnes, J. M. Burks, D. H. Wheeler, M. Dunham, C. W. Conklin, F. H. Holt. The following counties were represented by their Presidents: Hall, Hitchcock, Jefferson, Lancaster, Red Willow, and Valley.

Members of the Board not present were given until winter meeting to render excuse.

Dates of next annual fair, 1887, were fixed to follow those of Iowa as heretofore.

On motion of E. A. Barnes the President was instructed to appoint a committee of five to revise and correct the premium list and report at winter meeting in January next.

Harvey Pickrell's case was brought before the Board and decided that he was entitled to all the pay claimed by him in the novelty race of 1885, and the Secretary was directed to draw a warrant for him in the sum of seventy-five dollars.

J. E. Shepherd, Omaha, claimed that the Arbor Day premium, 1884, to H. H. Shedd was erroneously awarded. Referred to Board of Managers, with instructions to examine the papers and report of committee, and determine the matter as justice in the case would indicate.

Board adjourned.


OCT. 5TH. President Barker announced the following Committee on Premium List: J. B. Dinsmore, Mrs. S. C. Langworthy, Ed. McIntyre, M. Dunham, J. D. Macfarland.



LINCOLN, NEB., January 18th, 1887.

In compliance with law in this case made and provided, the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture this day convened in the lecture room of the new laboratory building, University Place, Lincoln, Nebraska. There were present the following


S. M. Barker, President; R. H. Henry, First Vice-President; I. A. Kent, Treasurer; Robt. W. Furnas, Secretary.

On roll call the following members of the State Board were found to be present:

L. A. Kent, J. D. Macfarland, Ed. McIntyre, J. B. McDowell, S. M. Barker, J. M. Lee, D. V. Stevenson, S. H. Webster, H. D. Kelley, E. King, Chris. Hartman, R. R. Greer, W. E. Hill, R. W. Fur- › nas, O. M. Druse, E. N. Grennell, J. Jensen, E. A. Barnes, J. B. Dinsmore, J. M. Burks, D. H. Wheeler, M. Dunham, R. H. Henry.

Letters giving reasons for absence were read from H. B. Nicodemus, R. Daniels F. H. Holt, and C. W. Conkling, which were considered satisfactory, and they were excused. W. R. McCully had removed to California.

On roll call of counties the following were found to be represented, either by their respective Presidents or legally authorized delegates:

Antelope, Adams, Boone, Buffalo, Butler, Burt, Brown, Custer, Cass, Clay, Dixon, Dodge, Dawson, Furnas, Fillmore, Greeley, Gage, Howard, Harlan, Hitchcock, Hall, Hamilton, Jefferson, Johnson, Kearney, Knox, Logan, Lancaster, Merrick, Nemaha, Nance, Otoe, Polk, Platte, Pawnee, Richardson, Seward, Saline, Sarpy, Valley, Webster, Washington, York.

On motion, D. H. Wheeler, of Douglas; W. W. Philleo, of Adams; and J. M. Lee, of Furnas, were appointed a Committee on Credentials.

While the committee was out on duty, Dr. J. Gerth, State Veterinarian, read a paper, which on invitation he had prepared, on the subject of Glanders and Farcy. A vote of thanks was extended to Dr. Gerth, and a copy of his address solicited for publication. [This paper with others will be found in the Appendix hereto attached.]

The Committee on Credentials in due time reported the following list of Presidents and delegates present from county societies, as entitled to seats and one vote each. The report of the committee was adopted:

Adams-W. W. PHILLEO, Delegate.
Antelope-E. A. BUTLER, President.
Boone--LORAN CLARK, President.
Brown-C. R. GLOVER, President.
Buffalo-H. A. LEE, President.
Burt-A. P. JOB, Delegate.
Butler-D. B. AMAGOST, President.

Cass-FRED GORDEN, President.
Clay-G. F. WARREN, Delegate.
Custer-ED. KING, President.
Dawson-E. B. SMITH, President.
Dixon-S. J. HART, President.
Dodge W. L. MAY, Delegate.
Douglas-HENRY EIKE, Delegate.
Fillmore-J. JENSEN, President.
*Frontier-A. E. POWERS, Delegate.
Furnas-J. CARMEAN, Delegate.
Gage-P. J. MYERS, President.
Greeley-P. H. BARRY, President.
Hall-ELI A. BARNES, President.
Hamilton-W. H. BARSTOW, Delegate.
Harlan D. E. ALLEN, Delegate.
* Hayes—J. S. HUGHES, Delegate.
Hitchcock-W. D. WILDMAN, President.
*Holt-J. J. MCCAFFERTY, President.

Howard-ADAM BRICKEL, President.

*Returns from these counties were not received at time of meeting, but as they were reported on vote, representation was given.

Jefferson-W. W. WATSON, Delegate.
Johnson-THEO. SMITH, President.
Kearney-L. A. KENT, President.
Knox-GEO. E. CHENEY, Delegate.
Lancaster-A. HUMPHREY, President.
Madison-Jos. STEWART, Delegate.
Merrick-S. L. WISE, President.
Nance W. H. PATON, Delegate.
+Nemaha JAS. G. MCCLAY, President.
Otoe-JAS. W. EATON, Delegate.
Pawnee S. A. HARTWELL, President.
Platte-J. E. NORTH, Delegate.

Polk-G. W. GREGG, President.

Richardson-W. H. VANDERVENTER, Delegate.

Saline W. H. SMITH, President.

Seward-WM. GILL, President.

Valley-A. D. ROBINSON, President.

Washington-CHAS. SELLECK, Delegate.

Webster-J. C. WARNER, President.

York-HENRY FRY, Delegate.

The Committee on Credentials had reported two county organizations in Brown county, one at Long Pine and one at Ainsworth, without recommendation. After considerable discussion it was decided that this Board cannot, under the provisions of law, recognize more than one county organization in any one county, and that in this instance the Long Pine organization represented by Mr. Glover be recognized as the Brown county organization. This action was by a unanimous vote.

President Barker then delivered his annual address, which is as follows:


Gentlemen of the State Board of Agriculture and People of Nebraska :

It is not only the custom, but a duty devolved upon me by the law of this organization, to address you at the annual meeting. I shall detain you but briefly. I congratulate you, gentlemen, on the success of the late state fair, held in this city, in September last. Such success can only be obtained by hard work, on your part, and the most perfect harmony of your officers. No one man can make a fair. †This county sent in its returns, but there was no representative present.

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