Clarksville, Tennessee, Auxiliary Society.-Doct. Walter H. Drane, President; Wm. F. Gray, Joel C. Rice, Vice-Presidents; Joseph Hise, Secretary; Mr. Chilton, Treasurer; Col. Willie Johnson, Doct. Henry Hopson, John Patton, Rev. Wm. Patton, Wells Fowler, Managers. Franklin, Tennessee, Auxiliary Society.-Doct. Samuel Crocket, President; Wm. Johnson, Ewen Cameron, Vice-Presidents; F. L. Owen, Secretary; B. S. Tappan, Treasurer; Peter N. Smith, John Marshall, John Mayfield, A. B. Ewing, Wm. Craig, Managers. Columbia, Tennessee, Auxiliary Society.-Gen. Allen Brown, President; Maj. John Brown, Terry H. Cahal, Vice-Pesidents; Col. Wm. S. Moore, Secretary; Rev. T. Maddin, Treasurer; Joseph S. Dwyer, Joseph Wingfield, David Martin, Rev. John H. Edmiston, Dr. D. N. Sansom, Managers. Shelbyville, Tennessee, Auxiliary Society.—Rev. Geo. Newton, President; Robert P. Harrison, Danl. Turrentine, Vice-Presidents; Saml. Escue, Secretary; Geo. Davidson, Treasurer; John Ward, Jas. R. Newton, Thos. M. Caldwell, Miss Mary Eakin, Mrs. Anne Newton, Managers. Winchester, Tennessee, Auxiliary Society.-Hon. Nathan Green, President; Benj. Dechard, John Upton, Vice-Presidents; John Goodwin, Secretary; Alfred Henderson, Treasurer; Adam Oehmig, Ranselier Wells, Miss Helen Cannon, Micaiah Warren, Doct. Thos. Lipscomb, Managers. Rutherford Co. Tennessee, Auxiliary Society at Murfreesborough.-Rev. Wm. Eagleton, President; John Jones, Wm. D. Baird, Eben. Magowan, Burrell Ganaway, Vice-Presidents; Jas. D. Scrape, Secretary; Col. Jas. C. Moore, Treasurer; Silas Locke, Benj. McCollock, Charles Niles, V. D. Cowen, Wm. Gilliam, Jonathan Curren, Wm. H. Smith, Martin Clark, Payton Smith, Managers. Sumner Co. Auxiliary Society at Gallatin, Tennessee.-Joseph Robb, President; A. H. Douglas, Elijah Boddie, Vice-Presidents; Doct. L. D. Ring, Secretary; W. B. Morris, Treasurer; Rev. J. W. Hall, Rev. H. W. Hunt, Doct. E. Douglass; John McLin, J. W. Baldridge, Managers. Knoxville, Tenn. Auxiliary Society.-Gen. Richard G. Dunlap, President; Col. Alex. Smith, Thos. L. Williams, Wm. B. Reese, Gen. T. A. Howard, Wm. C. Mynatt, Vice-Presidents; Carrick W. Crozier, Treasurer; Spencer Jarnagan, Secretary; Geo. W. Churchwell, Hugh Brown, James H. Cowan, Wm. B. A. Ramsey, Doct. Jas. King, Managers. Blount Co. Tennessee, Auxiliary Society at Marysville.-Col. J. Foute, President; Col. John A. Aikin, Col. W. Wallace, Doct. John Temple, Rev. Jas. Hamilton, Vice-Presidents; Rev. Latin Dunlap, Secretary: Jas. Berry, Treasurer; Arthur B. Campbell, Danl. Rogan, Rev. A. Vance, Rev. Mr. Hoyte, John Saffle, Managers. New Market, Tennessee, Auxiliary Society.-Doct. J. B. M. Reece, Presi dent; Col. John Newman, Richard Hayworth, Vice-Presidents; John Caldwell, Secretary; Thos. Elmore, Treasurer; Reed Cox, Saml. Evans, Jas. A. Caldwell, J. Newman, Col. J. Hamilton, (of Dandridge) Managers. Washington Co. Tennessee, Aux. Col. Society at Jonesboro.-Hon. Thomas Emmerson, President; John Kennedy, David H. Dedrick, Vice-Presidents; Seth J. W. Lucky, Secretary; John F. Dedrick, Treasurer; Jacob Howard, John G. Eason, Doct. Saml. B. Cunningham, William P. Chester, John Cowan, Managers. Kingsport, Tennessee, Auxiliary Society.-J. C. Rhea, President; Rev. S. Patton, Vice-President; C. Garvey, Secretary; Jas. Lynn, Treasurer; A. H. Smith, S. Thomas, A. Rogan, J. H. Vance, John Lynn, Sen. Managers. Harrisburg, Pa. Auxiliary Society.-Wm. Graydon, President; Rev. J. Reynolds, Jas. Trimble, Vice-Presidents; John M. Foster, Secretary; John Zearing, Treasurer; Doct. Saml. Agnew, Rev. J. Winebrenner, Rev. D. Zacherias, Jas. R. Boyd, Mordicai McKinney, Managers. Auxiliary Society at Carlisle, Pa.-Chief Justice Gibson, President; Geo. Metzgar, Jas. Hamilton, Vice-Presidents; Saml. A. McCoskey, Secretary; Benj. Childs, Treasurer; Profr. Chas. Dexter Cleveland, Jacob F. Huber, Theodore Myers, M. D. Benj. Patton, Jr. Hugh Reed, Managers. Columbia Auxiliary Society, Pa.-Wm. P. Beatty, President; Wm. Todd, Dr. R. E. Cochran, Wm. Wright, Jas. E. Mifflin, Vice-Presidents; Abraham Bruner, Robt. B. Wright, Dr. H. McCorcle, Dr. Beaton Smith, Robt. W. Houston, Managers; Dr. George Moore, Secretary; John Mc Kissick, Treasurer. On the 13th of March, a Society was formed in Goochland county Va. Auxiliary to the Va. Colonization Society. The following is a list of the Officers. Rev. James Whary, President; Rev. James Fife, Vice-President; Martin James, Treasurer; David F. Newton, Secretary; Capt. Josiah Leake, Jeremiah Woodward, Tucker Lewis, Managers. The Rev. Mr. BASCOM, Agent for the American Colonization Society, recently delivered a very able and eloquent address at Georgetown, Kentucky. A contribution on behalf of the Society, was then taken up, amounting to $56. The Constitution of the Georgetown Colonization Society was read, and 41 additional members obtained. The number of the annual members at this time, is 101, and two life members. Many other Societies (nineteen were mentioned by him in a letter several months since) have been organized through Mr. Bascom's Agency, but lists of their officers have not yet reached us. A Society has been formed very recently, at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, (the Hon. Judge Test, President,) through the efforts of Robt. S. Finley, Esq. Agent of the Society, and about sixty members have subscribed to Its constitution. Another Society has been established through Mr. Finley's Agency, at Lebanon, Ohio. List of Officers. Francis Dunlavy, President; Hon. J. Callett, (Judge Supreme Court) Wm. Lowry, VicePresidents; Dr. Morris, Secretary; John Reeves, Treasurer; Dr. Morris, J. Frazier, J. Morris, H. B. Miller, J. Probasco, Hon. G. S. Smith, Geo. 1 Hardy, W. Frost, A. Smith, Samuel Nixon, Silas Heeri, C. Carp, Managers. Errata.-Among the Officers of the Connersville, Indiana, Society, page 378, Vol. 5, read Claypole, one of the Vice-Presidents, and not Clayporl. Courtland, Alabama, same No. page 379, Doctor Shackleford, the President-not Shackeford. La Grange, Alabama, Doctor Alexander Sledge, one of the Vice-Presidents, and not Hedge-and Major E. Meredith, instead of Mendith—and Maclin Sledge, instead of Hedge, the Treasurer. AFRICAN EDUCATION.-Schools for the instruction of Coloured Children of both sexes, between the ages of two and nine, have been recently established in the Bermuda islands by Archdeacon Spencer. "The object (and effect) of these Schools is to relieve from attention and anxiety the owners or parents of children, whose tender age precludes their occupation in any profitable labour. It is to instruct the children themselves by a method so amusing as to make learning rather a pleasure than a toil; to endear to their earliest affections their God, their parents, and their masters, and to train them up in such habits of cleanliness, decency, order, and obedience, as cannot fail to enhance the value of their services whenever they shall be old enough to be usefully employed. Nor is it among the least advantages of the system, that while as much of religious and moral principle as can be apprehended by an infant subjected to it, is assiduously instilled into his mind, a most certain and happy influence is exercised over his temper.-The girls are taught to sew, the boys to plait; and thus a disposition to industry, and a cheerful acquiescence in the lot which Providence has assigned to them, as essential to their future happiness, are carefully inculcated." The Archdeacon remarks that the argument that to christianize and educate the coloured people of a colony in which slavery is legalized, has a tendency to elevate them above their masters and to destroy the legitimate distinctions of the community, can only be admitted where that community is itself degraded to an illiterate and irreligious state. We are unwilling to believe that any portion of our own country illustrates the truth of this remark. Yet it is true, that while in the English colonies, great efforts are making to improve the character and condition of the colured population, some of our own States are enacting and enforcing laws, making it highly penal to learn a coloured person even to read. A meeting was held in London on the 15th of May, to consider the neces sary means to hasten the abolition of Slavery throughout the British dominions. Among the gentlemen who addressed the meeting were Wilberforce, Buxton, Brougham and O'Connel. Hunt made a short speech against the object of the meeting; but was scarcely able to proceed on account of the constant expressions of disapprobation with which his sentiments were received. Mr. Wilberforce remarked, that so long ago as 1792, the principle of gradual abolition was proposed by Mr. Dundas, and it was then agreed that every child born after 1800, should be free. This measure, he said, was perhaps good to a certain extent, but it had never been executed. "In 1823 another step was taken for the purpose of carrying into effect this desirable object; in that year, Mr. Canning entered into negociations with all the principal planters, or their agents, that were resident in this country for the purpose of effecting a material alteration in the state of things in the West Indies; and the result was, that all the leading and influential men of that body not only assented to the measures which he proposed, but recommended them to the adoption of their fellow planters in the different Islands of the West Indies. Yet, in spite of this, which appeared to be entitled to command no small portion of respect, scarcely a single Colonial Assembly adopted any one part of the measures proposed." He thought, therefore, that it was idle to hope for the accomplishment of their wishes, by entrusting the business to slave proprietors and slave-holders. It was the duty of all to be in earnest, and to show that they were in earnest. A resolution was finally adopted, to petition Parliament to proceed forthwith in such measures as might be necessary for abolishing slavery, and praying that an early day might be fixed, the children born after which to be deemed free. TEMPERANCE AMONG COLOURED PEOPLE.—On the last Sabbath in May, a sermon was preached in the Bethel Church, Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. Beecher; and addresses delivered by two laymen. The concourse of people was large, composed almost entirely of people of colour. After the exercises, nearly 200 persons signed a pledge of entire abstinence. The Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, who were all present, (composed of fifty Ministers) added much to the interest of the meeting; all of whom signed the constitution. SOUTH AFRICA: LATTAKOO.-The latest news is dated August 12. For more than six months, prospects had been unusually encouraging. A commodious house for worship had been erected, and "completely filled, to the very door." On the first Sabbath in July, six natives were received as members of the Church, being the "first fruits of Lattakoo." Their subsequent walk is consistent with their profession, and they appear able and willing to exert an influence on those around them. A greater degree of industry and order prevailed in the mission settlement. One female, some months before the date of the letter, had died in hope. CAILER'S TRAVELS IN AFRICA-At the sitting of the French Academy of Sciences, on the 17th April, M. Cocquebret de Montbret read a highly interesting report, on the journey of M. Rene Caille, to Timbuctoo. The strictures on this traveller's narrative, in the London Quarterly Review, has excited general indignation among the scientific men of France. In that article, the truth of M. Caille was unequivocally questioned, and the conclusion aimed at was, that he had never reached the city of the desert. The report observed, that he had been censured for not having collected samples of the peculiar productions of the countries through which he passed; without its being considered that, in order to traverse Africa and escape the melancholy fate of Major Laing, it was necessary for him to avoid attracting attention. He appeared in Africa as a Mussulman, escaped from bondage among the Francs, and endeavouring to regain his native country, which he said was Tripoli. If he had been seen reading scientific works, or collecting curiosities, the object of his journey would have been surmised, and he would have been sacrificed immediately to the jealousy of the African nations. Should it be asked, where then was the use of the enterprise, the reply is, that it has undeceived Europe as to the importance which has been attached to that mysterious city of Timbuctoo, which is found to be, in fact, a miserable little town, containing from ten to twelve thousand souls, without any fortifications, supplied only with articles of actual necessity by a river two miles distant. The style and minute daily observations of M. Caille, are urged as putting his veracity beyond'a doubt. The Geographical Society of Paris gives an annual medal. The two last were successively voted to Captain Franklin and Major Laing. The report concludes by remarking that no honourable man in England will avow himself the author of the article, in which the young French traveller has been so unjustly used.-N. Y. Com. Adv. RELIGION OF AN AFRICAN TRIBE.-A tribe has lately been discovered in the interior of Africa, by the missionaries of the Church Missionary Society in Egypt and Abyssinia. The tribe is called the Magagine, and had never before been visited by a European. The following account is given of them in a late number of the Christian Observer. "They inhabit a place called Darbia, 300 miles southwest of Darfur.They have suffered greatly from the slave traders of Darfur; their chief protection against whom is a natural fortification, a steep and lofty mountain, which if they can reach in time, they are safe from their pursuers. They do not materially suffer from want at that asylum, having good fountains and pasturage for their cattle. The siege of the mountain lasts sometimes for several months. The abodes of the people are usually pulled down by their enemies; but they do not think much of the trouble of building other houses of mud and stones in the place of their former abodes. Nobody claims a property of soil, and avery one cultivates as |