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The sums contributed by the Board of Managers:
The sums derived from tuition:

The sums derived from the donations of the Colonists:

And that in stating the Expenditures, there be specified distinctly

The sums expended on each school house, stating its size and materials, and the source from which the monies were derived: The number of schools and their position:

The number of boys educated in each school:

The number of girls educated in each school: with the respecages of each sex.


The periods for which they are taught:

The hours during which the schools are open:

The several objects of tuition in each school:

Each branch of tuition actually given, shewing the number and sex to which given:

The number of the teachers, their sex, compensation of each teacher, and the school to which attached:

The sums paid for school books:

The sums paid for other expenses:

Specification of any debts that may remain undischarged. Resolved, That a statement, in the greatest practicable detail, of these receipts and expenditures, be transmitted to the Board of Managers, by the Colonial Agent, semi-annually, on the first days of January and July.

That the statement be accompanied with a report of the Colonial Agent, presenting a full view of the condition of each school, with his ideas generally on the subject of education in the Colony.

And as this is an object of the deepest interest to the Colony, on which its prosperity and stability must mainly depend, Resolved, That the foregoing Resolutions be published, and contributions, in furtherance of it, be invited from the friends of the Colony.


Of the Board of Directors of the African Mission School Society, presented to the Society at Hartford, Aug. 6th, 1830. In our number for September, 1828, will be found a particular account of the origin and object of this institution. No design

can be more philanthropic and christian, than that of this Society; and its immediate execution is demanded by every consideration connected with the improvement and hopes of the African race. Educated and pious men of color must be sent to Africa, or that continent long continue covered by ignorance and superstition and crime. We are gratified to learn that something has been accomplished by this Society, but we cannot believe that it will rest satisfied without securing results of a far higher character. We hope that it will yet send forth hundreds of missionaries and teachers to bring the wretched Africans from their vices and idolatries, to the knowledge and belief of Christian truth. Let us not imagine that Liberia will, in the course of a few years, furnish a supply of enlightened men to effect an intellectual and moral revolution in the condition of Africa. We may expect much from this Colony, but ought not to expect so much, as to render us regardless of efforts to prepare, by suitable instructions, young men of color in this country, to become reformers and guides among their degraded brethren of another Continent. Nor should the friends of Africa regard the African Mission School at Hartford, as alone sufficient to accomplish their benevolent purposes to the people of that land. There is need of an Institution to prepare colored youths, by a good English education, and instruction in agriculture and the mechanic arts, for usefulness in Liberia, and for influence among the adjacent tribes. The African Education Society, (a notice of which will be found in our number for April last,) has been formed for the purpose of founding and conducting a school of this character, and earnestly do we wish that it may receive the encouragement which it merits. From the report of the African Mission School Society we offer the following extracts:

"The great difficulty with which the school has had to contend, has been, that very few persons of this description have presented themselves as candidates for admission. Indeed, very few of any description have been offered. After giving extensive information throughout the country publicly, as well as by private correspondence; after sending, the year before last, a deputation to the South to inform the Colonization Society, and other persons interested in the cause of Africa, of this primary want experienced in the Mission School, but six pupils have been received.

"It will be recollected that, at the last annual meeting of the Board, the

school consisted of the following pupils; viz:-William Johnson, Edward Jones, and Gustavus V. Cæsar.

“Since that time, two more have been added;—James Henry Franklin, who was admitted on the 7th of August; and Henry Williams, who joined the school on the 11th of October. The Board regret to say, that the conduct of the former of these became so unsatisfactory, that the Executive Committee judged it to be their duty to dismiss him from the school, which was done on the 12th of March. Of the latter, Mr. Williams, they are happy to report, that he has thus far fully realized the expectations of his friends, and is now pursuing his studies at the school.

"Facilities having been offered to Mr. Jones for the study of the Arabic language at Andover, without any increase of expense to the Society, it appeared expedient to the Executive Committee not to let the opportunity pass; and, accordingly, Mr. Jones had their permission to reside a few months at that place. It is believed that the elementary knowledge acquired by him is sufficient to enable him to pursue the study without the assistance of a teacher; and when it is recollected that Arabic is the written language of Northern and Western Africa, the advantages of the acquisition must be apparent.

"Of Mr. Cæsar, the Board have the satisfaction to report, that he has pursued his studies in English Literature and Theology with great application and a good degree of success. Mr. Jones and Mr. Cæsar have both been recommended by the Executive Committee, to the Directors of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, to be sent out under their care as Missionaries to Africa. It is expected that their ordination will take place in a few days, they having been recommended to the Bishop by the Standing Committee of the Diocese.

"Mr. Johnson has also been recommended to the Directors of the same society as a suitable person to be employed as a school-master in Africa, in which capacity it is hoped his services may be useful. Mr. Williams is the only pupil now remaining in the school.

"The Board have also the satisfaction of announcing that much valuable assistance to the mission is anticipated from the labours of two fe males connected with it. One of them, the wife of Mr. Cæsar, has for a year past received the benefit of the school; while the other is now engaged in one of the infant schools in Hartford, with the intention of making herself thoroughly acquainted with the system of instruction pursued in that institution. The value of having two female assistants, of highly respectable attainments and exemplary piety, to aid in conducting the primary schools, cannot be too highly appreciated; and the Board view, with great satisfaction, this addition to the effective strength of the Mission.

"Under these circumstances, the Board would make an earnest appeal

to their friends throughout the country, and exhort them to make active inquiries, whether the colored population of our Southern and Western States will not furnish some few persons who exhibit characters of piety, and such a measure of intelligence, as authorize an anticipation of their future usefulness in carrying the gospel of peace, and the arts of civilization to their benighted brethren.

"Having thus briefly exhibited the present condition of the school, it is proper to make known the state of its fiscal concerns.

"From the Report of the Treasurer, it appears, that the receipts, from the commencement of the school, have been $1291 19; while the expenditures on account of board, tuition, and clothing of the pupils, and incidental expenses, have amounted to $1208 36, leaving in the Treasury a balance of $82 83. The unliquidated accounts against the Society, amount probably to $220 00, to meet which, will require the sum of $140 00 more than the Society have now at their disposal.

"From the above statement it will be seen, that something must be done, and done at once, and done effectually, to support the institution. Its number of pupils is reduced to one, and its Treasury is deficient. But are our friends to be discouraged by the present condition of things? Are they to be permitted to believe, that all interest in the church, in regard to these essential measures for christianizing dark and suffering Africa, has been exhausted? By no means. The husbandman will not despair, because the field which he has just reaped, and gathered in its harvest, though a small one, does not present at once another crop. He must till, and plant, and pray for descending dews and fruitful showers, and the prolific influences of the blessed sun; and in due time a fresh harvest will reward his hopes, and labors, and prayers. Now Providence has encouraged us with an ample return for the little cost and trouble we have expended. We have wrought less than two years; we have expended but $1,300; and yet we send forth two missionaries authorized to carry the blessed tidings of salvation to Africa; in one of whom we contemplate a scholar of no ordinary attainments, and in the other, one prepared to exercise in a profitable manner, the ministry of reconciliation; and to these are added, a faithful and competent school-master, and two females; qualified to aid in instruction. We feel greatly encouraged, and we trust that our friends at a distance will be animated by this prospect, to exert themselves more vigorously than ever to sustain our institution by a needed supply, both of pupils and the means of supporting them.

"All that the African Mission School can do is, to pursue its first design of educating free persons of colour, who have attained the age of 18, and who can read the English language with facility, and can write, and have acquired some knowledge of the rules of common arithmetic; and of preparing them to become Missionaries, School-masters, and Catechists in Africa The number of such who are likely to be offered to the

school is indeed small; but still, a valuable and important work will be accomplished, if in future it should be no more extensive than it has been heretofore. If, in each succeeding two years, we can prepare and send forth but three or four labourers, and at an expense to Christian benevolence no greater than has attended this first experiment, what friend of

Africa will not esteem the Institution a benefit.

"The cause of Domestic Missions, Episcopalians with one heart and voice acknowledge to be the cause of God and of his church; and to us it seems evident, that the cause of Foreign Missions is fully identified with it in the command, 'go preach the gospel to every creature.' But whatever variety of opinions may prevail among us on this point, all of us acknowledge that Africa, though separated from us by a wide ocean, has claims upon our christian sympathies and beneficence which cannot be set aside. We owe this continent a heavy debt for the injuries which have been inflicted upon it by our forefathers; and how can we better repay it, than by sending them the gospel of peace and the blessings of civilization? The groans and tears and blood of millions of her children have been wrung from that unhappy land, by the rapacious cruelty of the white man, and of the white man bearing the name of christian, but disgracing its character as a religion and violating its principles. Let those, therefore, who have been brought to a better state of mind, be earnest in the work of reparation-the only reparation which can now be made.

"Our institution is established; its plans of operation have been tried; its first fruits are now ready to be presented before the altar of the Lord. It is with you to say, whether or not our exertions are suddenly to be broken off, just when success is smiling upon them. We trust and believe that you will send us the word and token of encouragement—that you will seek out for us pupils, and send us means to educate them-that you will feel with us the devout sentiment of gratitude-hitherto hath the Lord helped; and encouraged by this evident mark of Divine approbation, that you will be animated yourselves, and th us stimulate and sustain our labours."

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Pennsylvania Colonization Society.

The Annual Meeting of the Society was held at the Apprentices' Library, on Monday the 11th ult. when the Report of the Managers and other communications, were read, and officers were chosen for the ensuing year. The report with extracts from the communications presented and list of officers were directed to be published, and are as follows:


The proceedings of the Board of Managers in relation to the enterprise originated at a public meeting, held on the 21st Oct.

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