STRICTURES ON SOME PARTS OF THE OXFORD TRACTS. A CHARGE DELIVERED TO THE CLERGY OF THE ARCHDEACONRY OF ELY, AT A VISITATION HELD IN THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL'S, CAMBRIDGE, ON THURSDAY, JUNE THE 7th, 1838. WITH An Appendix. BY THE REV. J. H. BROWNE, M.A. ARCHDEACON OF ELY, RECTOR OF COTGRAVE, AND LATE FELLOW OF PUBLISHED AT THE REQUEST OF THE CLERGY. Hoc est nescire sine Christo plurima scire; Si Christum BENE scis, satis est, si cætera nescis. -Bishop Latimer. Wordsworth's Ecclesiastical Biography. Vol. iii. p. 328 In spite of all the subtilties which may be employed, Church authority will be judged of by LONDON: J. HATCHARD AND SON, PICCADILLY: DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE, 1838. 1017. A CHARGE. REVEREND BRETHREN, In every point of view, I consider it a privilege, which I cannot too highly appreciate, and for which I cannot be too thankful, that, through the kind providence of a merciful God, I am again permitted to meet you here, and to express my feelings, and impart my sentiments upon some of those various topics which are agitated amongst us with an intensity of interest corresponding with their vital importance. May I have grace to improve this privilege, to the Divine glory, and to our reciprocal benefit! One branch of these questions involves the purity and integrity of those doctrines which the Reformers have embodied in the articles, homilies, and liturgy of our Church. The other is connected with its temporal rights, privileges, and possessions, and the external relation in which it stands to the civil government. As the accredited guardians of that faith which has been B |