弟弟弟弟弟弟弟弟 弟弟弟弟弟弟弟弟 വ THE CONTENTS. On the Epiftle for Afcenfion-Day. ACTS 1. 112. The former Treatife have I made, O St. Mark 16. 14, to the end. Jefus appear'd to the Eleven as they fat at Meat, and upbraided them with their Unbelief, &c. 10 On the Epiftle for the Sunday after Afcenfion-Day. On the Gospel for the Sunday after Afcenfion-Day. St. John 15. 26. and part of Chap. 16. When the Comforter is Acts 2. 1- On the Epiftle for Whitfunday. 27 12. When the Day of Pentecoft was fully come, On the Gospel for Whitfunday. On the Gofpel for Monday in Whitfun Week. A 2 On the Epiftle for Tuesday in Whitfun-Week. Acts 8. 14-17. When the Apoftles that were at Jerufalem On the Epiftle for Trinity-Sunday. On the Epiftle for the first Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the first Sunday after Trinity. St. Luke 16. 19, to the end. There was a certain rich Man, DISC. XIV. ΙΟΙ On the Epiftle for the fecond Sunday after Trinity. DIS C. XV. III On the Gospel for the fecond Sunday after Trinity. On the Epiftle for the third Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the third Sunday after Trinity. On the Epiftle for the fourth Sunday after Trinity. DISC. XIX. On the Gospel for the fourth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epiftle for the fifth Sunday after Trinity. 1 Pet. 3. 8-15. Be ye all of one mind, having compaffion one On the Gospel for the fifth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epiftle for the fixth Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the fixth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epiftle for the feventh Sunday after Trinity. Rom. 6. 19, to the end. 1 fpeak after the manner of Men, be- On the Gospel for the feventh Sunday after Trinity. On the Epiftle for the eighth Sunday after Trinity. On the Goffel for the eighth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epiftle for the ninth Sunday after Trinity. DISC XXX. On the Epiftle for the tenth Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the tenth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epifle for the eleventh Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the eleventh Sunday after Trinity. St. Luke 18. 915. Fefus fpake this Parable unto certain, which trufted in themselves that they were righteous, &c. 277 On the Epiftle for the twelfth Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the twelfth Sunday after Trinity. St. Mark 7. 31, to the end. Jefus departing from the Coafts of On the Epiftle for the thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epiftle for the fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. Gal. 5. 16. I fay then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not ful- On the Gospel for the fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epiftle for the fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. 335 |