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The parables of the net cast into the sea, which gathered Sect.
fish of every kind and of the householder which brings
out of his treasury things new and old,

The twelve apostles are sent out in the country of Naza-

reth. See § 40.80.

John Baptist is put to death by Herod the tatrarch, in the
city of Tiberias,

After the Baptist's death the apostles return to Capernaum,

where they find Jesus. He leaves Capernaum, and sails

with them over the lake to the desert of Bethsaida. Here

the people are fed by miracle the first time. See § 67.

The multitude propose to make Jesus a king. He persuades
them to depart, and orders his disciples to sail away be-
fore him. They are retarded by contrary winds. Jesus
walks upon the sea, draws nigh to their boat, and makes
Peter also to walk upon the sea. They instantly arrive
at land,

Jesus goes into Capernaum. The sermon and conversation
in the synagogue there, occasioned by the miracle of the
loaves. During our Lord's stay in Capernaum, many
miraculous cures are received by touching his clothes,
Jesus leaves Capernaum, and goes up to the passover,

In Galilee, the Pharisees blame the disciples for eating with
unwashed hands. Jesus reproves the Pharisees for their

Jesus, in the country of Tyre and Sidon, cures a Canaanitish
woman's daughter, who was vexed with a devil,

In Decapolis Jesus cures one who was deaf, and who had an

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passover, by the way of Perea,


Jesus goes up to Jerusalem, to celebrate the feast of Taber-
nacles. In the temple he preaches to a great concourse
of people. While he is preaching, the senate send their
officers to apprehend him: The officers, charmed with
his eloquence, go away without attempting to lay hands
on him. Jesus continues his discourse,
The woman that was caught committing adultery is placed
before Jesus in the temple,



The man that was born blind is sent by Jesus to wash in the
pool of Siloam, and there receives his sight. This mira-
cle makes a great noise in Jerusalem, and is examined by
the senate,

Jesus, in his way to the feast of Dedication, is refused lodg-
ing in a village of the Samaritans. The disciples desire
him to call fire down from heaven upon the Samaritans :
He rebukes the disciples for their wrathful spirit, and
goes to another village,




life. See § 105. 119. The parable of the good Sama- Sect.
ritan who took care of the wounded Jew whom he found
lying upon the road to Jericho,



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The parable of the steward who wasted his Lord's goods,

The Pharisees are rebuked. The parable of the rich man

Concerning offences, and their forgiveness. See § 73. The
disciples desire Jesus to increase their faith,

Jesus is called into Judea to cure Lazarus. His ministry in

Perea ends. See § 84.

Ten lepers are cured by Jesus in Samaria : one of them,

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At Ephraim Jesus foretels the destruction of the Jewish
state the first time, See § 123. also his own sufferings
the fifth time, See § 73.106. He delivers the parable
of the unjust judge and injured widow,


The parable of the Pharisee and the publican who went up

to the temple to pray,

The Pharisees ask Christ's opinion concerning divorces,
Jesus blesses little children,


Jesus leaves Ephraim. A young ruler desires to know what

he should do to inherit eternal life. See § 82. 119. The

difficulty of entering into the kingdom of heaven. The

promise of the thrones is made the first time. See § 130.

Self-denial is inculcated the third time. See § 71.93.
The parable of the labourers in the vineyard,

Jesus foretels his own sufferings a sixth time. See § 101.
125. Also his resurrection a fifth time. See § 73.131.
His disciples strive for the chief posts a second time. See
§ 74. 130. He inculcates the necessity of humility,

Jesus in his way to Jerusalem, cures two blind beggars

near the city of Jericho,



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Pilate's third attempt to save Jesus. He offers three times
to release him. But the people refusing to ask his life,

he passes sentence of death upon him, and orders him to

be scourged,


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