1 2-14-33 ESSAYS ON Important SUBJECTS. Intended to establish the DOCTRINE of By JOHN WITHERSPOON, D. D. To which are added by the PUBLISHERS, Ecclefiaftical Characteristics, OR THE ARCANA of CHURCH POLICY, WITH A SERIOUS APOLOGY; which have VOL. I. LONDON: Printed for EDWARD and CHARLES DILLY, M.DCC.LXV. Ref. Streps. 1-25-33 27558 qual. HE following Teatises were originally them on particular occafions; but the attentive reader will easily perceive one leading defign running through the whole: The author hath long been of opinion, that the great decay of religion in all parts of this kingdom, is chiefly owing to a departure from the truth as it is in JESUS, from those doctrines which chiefly conftitute the substance of the gospel. It may perhaps be justly imputed to other general causes in part, and in some measure to less universal causes in particular places; but as all moral action must arise from principle, otherwife it ought not to be called by that name, the immediate and most powerful cause of degeneracy in practice, must always be a corruption in principle. 66 I am fenfible that many will be ready to cry out on this occafion, " Such notions arise from narrowness of mind, and uncharitable fen"timents." I answer, that it is surprising to think how easily the fashionable or cant phrases of the age, will pass among fuperficial thinkers and readers, without the least attention either to their meaning, or to the evidence on which they are founded. Thus at present, if a man shall write or Speak against certain principles, and stile them pernicious, it will be thought a fufficient vindication of them to make a beaten common-place encomium on liberty of confcience and freedom of inquiry. Blessed be God, this great and facred privilege is well fecured to us in this nation : But pray, is it not mine as well as yours? And is it not the very exercise of this liberty, for every man to endeavour to support those principles which appear to bim to be founded on Reason and Scripture, as well as to attack without fcruple every thing which he believes to be contrary to either. Let it also be observed, that if freedom of inquiry be a blessing at all, it can be fo for no other reason than the excellence and falutary influence of real truth, when it can be discovered. If truth and error are equally safe, nothing can be more foolish than for a man to waste his time in endeavouring to distinguish the one from the other. What a view does it give us of the weakness of human nature, that the same perfons so frequently bold inconsistent principles ? How many will say the strongest things in favour of an impartial search efter truth, and with the very same breath tell you, "It is of no consequence at all, either for time or eternity, whether you hold one opinion or " another." These These reflections are only designed to procure a candid unprejudiced hearing to what is offered in the following pages, in defence of what appears to me the fundamental doctrines of the gospel, which are now so greatly neglected, or fo openly despised. I am encouraged to this republication by the great demand there has been for some of the pieces, particularly The ESSAY on Justification. Imust observe here, that I have received several letters on this subject, defiring that the phrase imputed righteousness might be changed, as liable to great exceptions; a request which I would readily have complied with, if it could be made appear to be either unfcriptural or dangerous. But as I apprehend it is fully warranted by Rom. iv. 6. and many other passages, fo I do not fee what can be underStood by it, different from or more dangerous than forgiveness of fin and acceptance with GOD, not for our own but for CHRIST'S Sake. As the case stands, therefore, it is to be feared, that a studied endeavour to avoid the expreffion would do more harm on the one hand than it could do service on the other. In the Treatise on Regeneration, now first published, the same general design is pursued, but in a way more directly practical: and indeed I am fully convinced, that it is not only of much greater moment to make experimental than |