Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be printed 50,000 copies of the Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Animaì Industry for the year 1885, of which 10,000 copies shall be for the use of members of the Senate, 35,000 for the use of members of the House of Representatives, and 5,000 for the use of the Commissioner of Agriculture; the illustrations to be executed under the supervision of the Public Printer, in accordance with directions of the Joint Committee on Printing, the work to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Approved March 3, 1885. 2 Page. REPORT OF J. N. BRADLEY, Inspector Bureau of Animal Industry: On the swine and fowl industry of Missouri, and the annual loss by disease. On the cattle interests west of the Mississippi...... REPORT OF LAWRENCE WILSON, Inspector Bureau of Animal Industry: On the condition of the live-stock industry west of the Mississippi...... Investigation of swine plague in Nebraska...... The extension of contagious animal diseases and methods for their limitation. Laws of the States and Territories for the control of contagious auimal diseases. APPENDIX.-Investigation of contagious pleuro-pneumonia. Details of in- |