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Fibula, 250

[blocks in formation]

anterior crest of, 252

apex of head, 250

architecture of shaft of, 250
connexions of, 253

incisions to expose the shaft of, 1462
interosseous crest of, 252

lateral crest of, 252

lateral malleolus of, 253
medial crest of, 253

morphology of head of, 250
ossification of, 253

shaft, examination of, 1462
surface of, 252

variations in, 282

Fibular artery, 953
Fibulare, os, 295

Field, polar, 13

Filament, axial, 18
Filiform papillæ, 1126

Filtration angle of cornea, 809
Filum terminale, 518
Fimbria cerebri, 627
ovarica, 1312

tubæ uterinæ, 1314
Finger-cells, 857
Fingers, bones of, 226

movements of, 401

Fissure or Fissures-Fissura

angular, 665

anterior median, of spinal medulla, 521
antitrago-helicine, 829

of anus, 1430

auricular, 127
calcarine, 660

central, of brain, 663
development of, 662, 663
topography of, 1360, 1361
transitional gyri of, 663
of cerebellum, 571

of cerebrum, 571, 572, 573
chorioidal, of brain, 621, 637, 675
development of, 621
chorioidal, of eye, 826
collateral, 661, 662
"complete," 646

of ductus venosus, 1191, 1197
floccular, of cerebellum, 572
development of, 573
frontal, inferior, 665
middle, 665

superior, 665

fronto-marginal, 665

hippocampi, 626

horizontal, of cerebellum, 573

development of, 572

inferior orbital, 137, 147
interparietal proprius, 664

lateral, of the brain, 653

anterior ascending ramus of, 653, 654

horizontal ramus, 654

ascending ramus, 654
development of, 655, 656

posterior ramus, 653

stem of, 653

terminal piece of, 665

topography of, 1359, 1360

longitudinal, of cerebrum, 540, 646

development of, 608

lunatus, 660

of lung, 1095

of medulla oblongata, 543

[blocks in formation]

paramedial, 661

parapyramidal, 573

development of, 573
parietal, superior, 665
parieto-occipital, 661
topography of, 1360
paroccipital, 661
petro-basilar, 130
petro-occipital, 176
petro-squamous, 131
petro-tympanic, 127, 834
portal, 1190

post-central, inferior, 664
superior, 664
post-lunar, 573

development of, 572
post-nodular, 571
development of, 571

post-tonsillar, of cerebellum, 573

prae-cuneal, 665

pre-central, inferior, 665

superior, 665

prima of cerebellum, 572

pterygoid, 138

pterygo-maxillary, 168, 192
pterygo-palatine, 192
rhinal, 624

sagittal, of the lingual gyrus, 662
secundaria of cerebellum, 572
simial, 660

spheno-petrous, 175, 176
of spinal medulla, 521, 522
development of, 521
subparietal, 665

superior orbital, 160, 180
suprapyramidal, 573
development of, 572
temporal, inferior, 658
middle, 658

superior, 658

topography of, 1360

transverse, of the brain, 674

of liver, 1180

tympano-mastoid, 127

umbilical, 1191

urogenital, 1329

vestibuli, 844

Fistula in ano, 1431

Flat bones, 82, 85

Flechsig, areas of, 564
Flexion, 377

Flexor carpi radialis muscle, 385
action of, 386

bursa, 386

nerve-supply of, 386

surface anatomy of, 1452
ulnaris muscle, 386

action of, 387
nerve-supply of, 387

caudæ muscle, 494

Flexor digiti quinti brevis of foot, 435
action of, 435
nerve-supply of, 435
of hand, 394
action of, 394
nerve-supply of, 394
digitorum brevis, 433
action of, 433
nerve-supply of, 433
longus muscle, 430
action of, 430
nerve-supply of, 430
profundus, 388

action of, 389

nerve-supply of, 389
sublimis muscle, 388
action of, 388

nerve-supply of, 388
hallucis brevis muscle, 434
action of, 434
nerve-supply of, 434
longus muscle, 431
action of, 431
nerve-supply of, 431

pollicis brevis muscle, 393

action of, 393

nerve-supply of, 393

longus muscle, 390

action of, 390
nerve-supply of, 390

surgical anatomy of, 1453
sheath, common, of hand, 1453
Flexura coli dextra, 1211

sinistra, 1211

Flexures of brain, 514

cephalic, of brain, 514
cervical, of brain, 514
duodeno-jejunal, 1182, 1187
topographical anatomy of, 1419
left, of colon, 1211, 1220
level of, 1442
topography of, 1422
perineal, of rectum, 1224

pontine, of brain, 514

right, of colon, 1211, 1220, 1422

level of, 1423

topography of, 1422

sacral, of rectum, 1224

sigmoid, 1211

Floating ribs, 112

Floccular fissure of cerebellum, 572

development of, 573

fossa, 131, 133

Flocculus cerebelli, 571

development of, 571

Floor, pelvic, 490

plate, 500, 502

Foetus, circulation of, 71

estimate of age of, 78, 79

external characters of, at different periods, 74

membranes of, 53, 62

period of the, 7

Fold or folds, ary-epiglottic, 1068

development of, 1100

axillary, 1446
caudal, 38, 74
cephalic, 38, 74

of Douglas, of sheath of rectus, 483

topography of, 1410
genital, 1333

glosso-epiglottic, 1067
gluteal, 1455

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[blocks in formation]

ventricular, 1068

vocal, 1068

medullary, 23, 74

pharyngo-epiglottic, 1067
recto-genital, 1317

recto-uterine, 1317

of pelvic peritoneum, 1238, 1318

recto-vaginal, 1317

sacro-genital, 1283, 1318
salpingo-palatine, 838, 1143
salpingo-pharyngeal, 838, 1143

semilunar, of Douglas, 483
transverse vesical, 1283
utero-vesical, 1317

ventricular, 1068

vestigial, of Marshall, 872, 882
Vocal, 1068

Folds and fosse about the cæcum, 1218

Folia of cerebellum, 571, 580

Folium vermis of cerebellum, 572

Follicles, of hair, 860

of Lieberkühn, 1181

lymph, 995

primitive, of ovary, 1334

of teeth, 1245, 1246

Folliculi oophori primarii, 1331
vesiculosi, 1313
development of, 1334

Folliculus pili, 860
Fontana, spaces of, 810

Fontanelle, anterior, 194

antero-lateral, 194
posterior, 194
postero-lateral, 194
sagittal, 194

Fonticulus frontalis, 194

mastoideus, 194
occipitalis, 194
sphenoidalis, 194

Foot, articulations of, 351

bones of, 254

architecture of, 274

morphology of, 295

ossification of, 265, 267,

variations in, 282

fascia of, 423


lymph vessels of, 1014, 1015

mechanism of, 361

muscles of, 424, 430, 432-435

actions and nerve-supplies of, 435, 436

surgical anatomy of, 1463, 1467

transverse arch of, 361

Foot-plate of stapes, 840

Foramen apicis dentis, 1114

cæcum linguæ, 1126, 1348
development of, 44, 1249, 1348
of medulla oblongata, 544
of skull, 140
centrale cochleæ, 844
diaphragmatis (sella), 699
epiploicum, 1162, 1183, 1238
development of, 1253
surgical anatomy of, 1272
ethmoidal, 142, 179

posterius, 140, 163
of Huschke, 832
incisivum, 149, 174
incisor, 149, 174

[blocks in formation]

surface anatomy of, 1375

obturator, 228, 234

occipital, 172, 178

optic, 180

abnormalities of, 278
ovale, of heart, 875

development of, 1033, 1034
persistence of, 1050

of sphenoid, 136, 169, 176, 180
abnormality of, 278

palatine, greater, 151, 174
surgical anatomy of, 1384
lesser, 152, 174

parietal, 171
origin of, 277
quadratum, 473
rotundum, 136, 180
abnormality of, 278
of Scarpa, 149, 174
sciatic, greater, 229, 337
lesser, 232, 337
singulare cochleæ, 846
spheno-palatine, 185, 192
spinosum, 136, 169, 176, 180
abnormality of, 278
of Stenson, 149, 174
development of, 149
stylomastoid, 129, 177
absence of, 278
supraorbital, 116, 160

surface anatomy of, 1358
supratrochlear, of humerus, 280
transversarium, 90, 92, 93

serial homology of, 284
venæ cavæ, 472

vertebral, 90, 93, 95, 96
of Vesalius, 136, 168, 180
zygomatico-facial, 153
zygomatico-orbital, 154
zygomatico-temporal, 154
Foramina alveolaria, 147
anterior, of sacrum, 96
ethmoidal, 162
interventricular, 618
intervertebral, 89

nervosa, 849

palatina minora, 152

papillaria of kidney, 1265

sacralia anteriora, 96

posteriora, 97

venarum minimarum cordis (Thebesii), 874,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Fossa or Fossæ (contd.), inguinal, lateral, 1235

medial, 1235

intercondyloid, of femur, 243

anterior, of tibia, 247
posterior, of tibia, 247
interpeduncular, 180, 541
intersigmoid, 1223

surgical anatomy of, 1423
ischio-rectal, 1238
jugular, 177

condition of, at birth, 133
relation of, to jugular foramen, 177
to tympanum, 1369
lacrimal, 148, 163

of Landzert, 1185
lateral, of brain, 655

for ligamentum teres of hip, 284
variation in, 281

mandibular, 167

mastoid, 1369

middle cranial, 180

myrtiform, 146

nasal, 801

navicularis urethra (Morgagni), 1308

surgical anatomy of, 1428

vestibuli vaginæ, 1325

olecrani, 208

orbital, 160

ovalis of heart, 874

development of, 1033

of thigh, 403
ovarian, 1312
paraduodenal, 1185
pararectal, 1227, 1238

paravesical, 1238, 1280

patellar, 819

post-condylic, 177

posterior cranial, 182

pterygoid, 174

pterygo-palatine, 170

radial, 208

retro-cæcal, 1218

retro-colic, 1219

retro-mandibular, 1113

retro-ureteric, of bladder, 1277
rhomboid, 550

of Rosenmüller, 1144
development of, 1144
surgical anatomy of, 1385
sacci lacrimalis, 825
scaphoid, of auricle, 828
scaphoid, of sphenoid, 138, 175, 176
subarcuate, 130, 131

submaxillary, 155

supraspinous, 202
supratonsillar, 1145

development of, 1249

temporal, 166

lower part, 167

triangular, of auricle, 828

trochanteric, of femur, 241

venæ cava (inferioris), 1191, 1192

umbilical, 1191

vermiform, 278

vesicæ felleæ, 1191

zygomatic, 168, 175

Fossula fenestræ cochleæ, 129, 833

vestibuli, 832

inferior, of internal acoustic meatus, 846

superior, of internal acoustic meatus, 846

Fossulæ tonsillares, 1146

Fountain decussation, 589, 591

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[blocks in formation]

Frontal sinus, (contd.), relation of, to infundi-

bulum, 141

to nose, 186

to orbit, 162
size of, 1371

skiagraphs of, 1372

surgical anatomy of, 1371
trans-illumination of, 1372
suture, 160
vein, 967, 969

Fronto-marginal sulcus, 665
Fronto-nasal process, 49
Fronto-pontine strand, 653
in crus cerebri, 591

in internal capsule, 642
Froriep's ganglion, 684, 796
Fundus of cæcum, 1213

meatus acustici interni, 845
of stomach, 1163, 1168
level of, 1442

surgical anatomy of, 1417
tympani, 832
uteri, 1316, 1434
ventriculi, 1163

vesicæ, 1274

Fungiform papillæ, 1127
Funicular cells, 504

process, 1409

Funiculus anterior of spinal medulla, 538

cuneatus, 526, 533, 547

constitution of, 538

in section of medulla oblongata, 555
gracilis, 526, 547

constitution of, 532

in section of medulla oblongata, 555

lateralis of spinal medulla, 535

posterior of spinal medulla, 533

separans, 551

spermaticus, 1296

coverings of, 1297
umbilicalis, 56

Furcula, 45

Furrow, bicipital, 1445

nuchal, 1395

sternal, 1397

ulnar, 213

vertebral, 1436

Furrowed band of cerebellum, 576

[blocks in formation]
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