INDEX. nucleus, 21 of ovum, 15, 21 Sella turcica, 134 Semicanalis m. tensoris tympani, 834 crista ampullaris of, 848 superior, 844 ducts, 847 development of, 52 Semilunar ganglion, 722 space of Traube, 1418 surface anatomy of, 1458 vessels and nerves of, 1295 Semitendinosus muscle, 419 surface anatomy of, 1450 Senses, organs of the, 799 Sensory area of the brain, 662 decussation, 562, 566 tracts of brain, 657 Separation of proximal epiphyses of humerus, 1445 Septal artery of nose, 805 Septula testis, 1288 Septum or Septa, of aortic bulb, 1035 of aorto-pulmonary artery, 1035 of auricles, 1032, 1033 development of, 1033 canalis musculo-tubarii, 833 cartilagineum nasi, 802 corporum cavernosorum, 1300 glandis penis, 1298 superior facial index, 286 total facial index, 286 infra-temporal fossa, 168 lateral aspect of, 164 ligaments of, 312, 313 megaseme, 287 mesoseme, 287 nasion, 285 posterior aspect of, 171 primordial, 292 prognathous, 287 pterion, 285 pterygo-palatine fossa, 170 roof of orbit, 160 in section, 179 sexual differences in, 193 stephanion, 285 sub-nasal point, 285 surgical anatomy of, 1358 tapeinocephalic, 286 temporal fossa, 166 trabecular portion of, 290, 291 upper aspect of, 171 vertebral portion of, 293 vertebrate theory of, 293 Smegma embryonum, 79 præputii, 1299 "Snuff-box," anatomical, 400 action of, 429 |