Modern Whist Together with the Laws of WhistScribner & Welford, 1886 - 94 pages |
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Page 26
... best cards , play the lowest of the sequence . Thus with Queen , Knave , by playing the Knave you secure the first ... lead is generally from Ten , 26 MODERN WHIST .
... best cards , play the lowest of the sequence . Thus with Queen , Knave , by playing the Knave you secure the first ... lead is generally from Ten , 26 MODERN WHIST .
Page 27
... lead or from weakness . ( 8. ) Second round play the master - card , unless you have a safe finesse , as , when your ... best and your right adver- sary the second , play the third best ; as when your partner has won the Nine ...
... lead or from weakness . ( 8. ) Second round play the master - card , unless you have a safe finesse , as , when your ... best and your right adver- sary the second , play the third best ; as when your partner has won the Nine ...
Page 32
... lead is from Knave , Queen , King , and two others . If Nine be led , with Ace ... best . Thus , when your partner , having won third hand with Queen , returns ... Lead from Weakness . 20. When obliged to lead from 32 MODERN WHIST.
... lead is from Knave , Queen , King , and two others . If Nine be led , with Ace ... best . Thus , when your partner , having won third hand with Queen , returns ... Lead from Weakness . 20. When obliged to lead from 32 MODERN WHIST.
Page 34
Clement Davies. Return Lead . 21. Return your partner's lead at once , unless ... best , it is better the suit should be continued by him than by his partner ... lead , as on continuance by another your right adversary may fear to ...
Clement Davies. Return Lead . 21. Return your partner's lead at once , unless ... best , it is better the suit should be continued by him than by his partner ... lead , as on continuance by another your right adversary may fear to ...
Page 37
... best trump , or to force the fourth hand and leave him with the lead . 28. By refusing to overruff with the Ace , you may often make a little trump later on , and perhaps bring in a long suit . 29. To prevent an adversary from bringing ...
... best trump , or to force the fourth hand and leave him with the lead . 28. By refusing to overruff with the Ace , you may often make a little trump later on , and perhaps bring in a long suit . 29. To prevent an adversary from bringing ...
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Expressions et termes fréquents
Ace and five Ace nor King adver big score call for trumps chance claimed Cover an honour dealer discard Double Dummy exposed cards finesse four small four trumps fourth best fourth hand fresh goes round usually held King high cards highest or lowest hold the Knave holds neither Ace holds the Ace lead the Ace lead the best lead trumps left adversary liable lose his deal lowest card master-card misdeal MODERN WHIST odd trick partner holds partner's suit penalty plain suits play the King play the lowest play your lowest playing the Queen revoking player right adversary rubber ruffed rule saries save the game second hand sequence strength in trumps strong in trumps strong suit suit goes round suit to lead third player three players trick is turned trump and plain trump card turned and quitted unless you hold weak in trumps weak suit win the game winning card
Fréquemment cités
Page 87 - Ms partner have an option of exacting from their adversaries one of two penalties, they should agree who is to make the election, but must not consult with one another which of the two penalties it is advisable to exact ; if they do so consult they lose their right : and if either of them, with or without consent of his partner, demand a penalty to which he is entitled, such decision is final.
Page 78 - If a player leads a card better than any his adversaries hold of the suit, and then leads one or more other cards without waiting for his partner to play, the latter may be called upon by either adversary...
Page 88 - ... 86. If any one, prior to his partner playing, should call attention to the trick — either by saying that it is his, or by naming his card, or, without being required so to do, by drawing it towards him — the adversaries may require that opponent's partner to play the highest or lowest of the suit then led, or to win or lose f the trick.
Page 91 - ... unfair to revoke purposely; having made a revoke, a player is not justified in making a second in order to conceal the first. Until the players have made such bets as they wish, bets should not be made with bystanders. Bystanders should make no remark, neither should they by word or gesture give any intimation of the state of the game until concluded and scored, nor should they walk round the table to look at the different hands. No one should look over the hand of a player against whom he is...
Page 86 - ... examined by the adversaries, the revoke is established. The mixing of the cards only renders the proof of a revoke difficult, but does not prevent the claim, and possible establishment, of the penalty. 78. A revoke cannot be claimed after the cards have been cut for the following deal. 79. The revoking player and his partner may, under all circumstances, require the hand in which the revoke has been detected to be played out. 80. If a revoke occur, be claimed and proved, bets on the odd trick,...
Page 94 - Partner is not liable to any penalty for an error whence he can gain no advantage. Thus, he may expose some, or all of his cards, or may declare that he has the game, or trick, &c., without incurring any penalty ; if, however, he lead from Dummy's hand when he should lead from his own, or vice versd, a suit may be called from the hand which ought to have led.
Page 80 - ... are taken back ; there is no penalty against any one excepting the original offender, whose card may be called — or he, or his partner, when either of them ' has next the lead, may be compelled to play any suit demanded by the adversaries.
Page 93 - Dummy being blind and deaf, his partner is not liable to any penalty for an error whence he can gain no advantage. Thus, he may expose some, or all of his cards — or may declare that he has the game, or...
Page 66 - ... 19. Three players cutting cards of equal value cut again; should the fourth (or remaining) card be the highest, the two lowest of the new cut are partners, the lower of those two the dealer; should the fourth card be the lowest, the two highest are partners, the original lowest the dealer.3 CUTTING OUT.
Page 64 - Should the rubber have consisted of three games, the value of the losers' game is deducted from the gross number of points gained .by their opponents. 11. If an erroneous score be proved, such mistake can be corrected prior to the conclusion of the game in which it occurred, and such game is not concluded until the trump card of the following deal has been turned up.