| Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1834 - 1130 pages
...The United States, cedes to them, in full Property and Sovereignty, all the Territories which belong to Him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the names of East and West Florida, such as they were ceded to him by Great Britain, in 1783; and with... | |
 | Academie de Droit International de la Haye - 1993 - 420 pages
...In Article 2, "his catholic majesty cedes to the United States ... all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida". To Marshall the use of the phrase "which belong to him" — words inserted into the treaty by United... | |
 | Henry Adams - 1986 - 1458 pages
...Majesty cedes to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the names of East and West Florida.” 2 According to the Acts of Congress, no territory known as West... | |
 | Howard Jones - 2002 - 334 pages
...Purchase of 1803. The United States received "all the territories which belong to him [king of Spain], situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida." Furthermore, the United States gave up its shadowy claims to Texas based on the Louisiana Treaty, and... | |
 | Sean D. Murphy - 2003 - 546 pages
...majesty cedes to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him, situated to the Eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name East and West Florida") (8 Stat. 254). No language in the treaty remotely suggests that Spain intended... | |
 | Gary Lawson, Guy Seidman - 2008 - 284 pages
...February 2.1, 1819, the king of Spain ceded to the United States "all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida."12 In addition to transferring East Florida to the United States, this language was sufficient... | |
 | Clement A. Evans - 2004 - 784 pages
...treaty “his Catholic Majesty ceded to the United States” * * * “all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East Florida and West Florida.” The boundary of Louisiana is defined west of the Mississippi. The line... | |
 | Roy A. Archuleta - 2006 - 306 pages
...Majesty cedes to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him, situated to the Eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida. The adjacent Islands (dependent on said Provinces,) all public lots and squares, vacant Lands, public... | |
 | Meg Greene - 2005 - 68 pages
...[gives up] to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida." Onis wanted the article to reflect the ceding of the territories then known as East and West Florida.... | |
 | 1966 - 430 pages
...Majesty cedee to the United States in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida. The adjacent Islands dependent on said province * * * are included in this article. [Malloy, 1910,... | |
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