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" His Catholic Majesty cedes to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida. "
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States - Page 215
de United States. Supreme Court - 1851
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Documentary Source Book of American History, 1606-1913

William MacDonald - 1916 - 684 pages
...Majesty cedes to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida. . . . ARTICLE 3. The boundary line between the two countries, west of the Mississippi, shall begin...
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Annual Report of the American Historical Association

American Historical Association - 1905 - 720 pages
...Majesty cedes to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida. The adjacent islands dependent on said provinces, all public lots and squares, vacant lands, public...
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Inventory of the County Archives of Florida: Duval

Florida Historical Records Survey - 1938 - 210 pages
..., cedes to the "Unite'd "States in full property and sovereignty, all the territories whiph belong to him, situated. to. the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West .Florida.. .The. adjacent islands" dependerit on said provinces, all • . public lots and squares, vacant lands,...
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British and Foreign State Papers

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1834 - 1142 pages
...Majesty cedes to The United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the Territories which belong to Him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida. The adjacent Islands, dependent on said Provinces, all public Lot-sand Squares, vacant Lands, Public...
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Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Volume 2

1919 - 510 pages
...Majesty cedes to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida. The adjacent Islands dependent on said Provinces, all public lots and squares, vacant Lands, public...
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Congressional Serial Set, Numéro 3858

1900 - 952 pages
...Majesty cedes to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East ana West Florida. * * * ABT. 6. The inhabitants of the territories which His Catholic Majesty cedes...
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Annual Register, Volume 61

Edmund Burke - 1820 - 896 pages
...the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him situate to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida. The adjacent islands dependent on said provinces, all public lots and squares, vacant lands, public...
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1868 - 1108 pages
...February 22, 1819, with Spain, she ceded to the United States " all the territories which belong to her, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Floridas." The sixth article of the treaty is as follows : " The inhabitants of the territories which...
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Niles' Weekly Register, Volume 17

1820 - 478 pages
...majesty cedes to the United States, in full properly and sovereignty, all the ¡ territories which belong to him, situated to the ' eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of; E ist a;nl West Florida. The adjacent islands, ' di.pemle.iit on saul pro.inces, all public lots and...
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Niles' National Register, Volume 17

1820 - 478 pages
...the United States, cedes to them in full property and sovereignty, all the territories which belong to him, situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the names of East and West Florida, such as they were ceded to him by Great Britain, in 1783; and' with...
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