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Livres Livres
" Fill'd with the face of heaven, which, from afar, Comes down upon the waters ; all its hues, From the rich sunset to the rising star, Their magical variety diffuse : And now they change ; a paler shadow strews Its mantle o'er the mountains ; parting day... "
The Jack O'Lantern; (le Feu-follet;) Or, The Privateer - Page 1
de James Fenimore Cooper - 1843 - 435 pages
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The Metropolitan, Volume 22

1838 - 596 pages
...Florence. There is a beauty around them, like the odorous purple of a new-born rose—and like the dying dolphin, whom each pang imbues " With a new colour, as it gasps awav, The last still loveliest."' Now that we have relieved ourselves of this burden of similes, we...
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Neue Land- und Seebilder, Parties 1 à 2

Sealsfield - 1839 - 658 pages
...(cid) t meland)olifd>e Slnmanbtung. вфоп fdjilbett bet SDtd)ter Zotb biefei S8et6(eid)cn : — — whom each pang imbues With a new colour, as it gasps away; 78 За, abet im 6rn(l<, гоае jutmd)|î bit jum inaljie anfangen? SBciáí SüaöV SUicä í|l...
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Die deutsch-amerikanischen Wahlverwandtschaften, Volume 2

Charles Sealsfield - 1839 - 378 pages
...melane&olifd)e ainroanblung. 6d)ó'n fd)ilbert ber 3jid)tet 2orb biefeé SSerbleid)en : — — — — whom each pang imbues With a new colour, as it gasps away; Зa, aber im ©rnfîe, шí ^unüd)ft Ыt ¿um OTittagé« niabk anfangen? SBaé? SBaéV Mea ifi »erfud)t,...
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Selections from the British Poets, Volume 2

1840 - 368 pages
...odorous purple of a newborn rose, [it glows, Which streams upon her stream, and glass'd within Fill'd with the face of heaven, which, from afar, Comes down...each pang imbues With a new colour as it gasps away, [grayThe last still loveliest, till— 'tis gone — and all is Egeria ! sweet creation of some heart...
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The Flag-ship: Or, A Voyage Around the World in the United States ..., Volume 1

Fitch Waterman Taylor - 1840 - 396 pages
...Aad now they change; a paler shadow strews Its mantle o 'er the mountains; parting day Dies like a dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new colour, as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, till—'tis gone—and all is gray." Our worthy Master came up, and for once (I had never before seen...
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The works of lord Byron, with notes by T. Moore [and others].

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1842 - 866 pages
...purple of a new-born rose, Which streams upon her stream, and glass'd within it glows, XXIX. Fill'd ooie."— MS.} 3 f Like her own clime, all bun, and...and vies With all we know of Heaven, or can desire, TbelntBtffl loveliest, Ш1— 'tis gone— and all is gray. XXX. There is a tomb in Arqua ; — rear'd...
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The Select Works of Mrs. Ellis: Comprising the Women of England, Wives of ...

Sarah Stickney Ellis - 1843 - 554 pages
...celebrated in the poet's lay as an emblem of the glory which shines most conspicuously in the hour of death. -parting day Dies like the dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new colour, as it gaiipa away : The last still loveliest, till, — 'lis gone — und all ls gray !" BYRON. In fearful...
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The universal class-book: a ser. of reading lessons

Samuel Maunder - 1844 - 542 pages
...past. Byron describes it as The last still loveliest till—'tis gone—and all is grey." K 3 " Fill'd with the face of heaven, which from afar Comes down...each pang imbues With a new colour as it gasps away, Yet, while all admit how much nature has done for the Mediterranean, none will deny that, until very...
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The Modern Poetical Speaker; Or, a Collection of Pieces Adapted for ...

Modern poetical speaker, Fanny Bury PALLISER - 1845 - 540 pages
...tints ; among them was a lovely violet glow, rarely, if ever, seen in England." — Dattaway's Travels. And now they change ; a paler shadow strews Its mantle...pang imbues With a new colour as it gasps away, The kst still loveliest, till — tis gone — and all is gray. BYI?OX. BEING BACK THE CHAIN. IT was an...
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The Poetry of Life

Sarah Stickney Ellis - 1845 - 196 pages the poet's lay as an emblem of the glory which shines most conspicuously in the hour of death. " parting day Dies like the dolphin, whom each pang...imbues With a new colour, as it gasps away : The last stil! loveliest, till,— 'tis gone— and all is gray !" BYRON. In fearful pre-eminence amongst those...
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