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Livres Livres
" Fill'd with the face of heaven, which, from afar, Comes down upon the waters ; all its hues, From the rich sunset to the rising star, Their magical variety diffuse : And now they change ; a paler shadow strews Its mantle o'er the mountains ; parting day... "
The Jack O'Lantern; (le Feu-follet;) Or, The Privateer - Page 1
de James Fenimore Cooper - 1843 - 435 pages
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Rocky Mountain Health Resorts: An Analytical Study of High Altitudes in ...

Charles Denison - 1880 - 254 pages
...the sun has sunk below the mountain horizon. Beyond the glistening summits of the snowy range, — " Parting day Dies like the dolphin whom each pang imbues With a new color as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, till — 't is gone — and all is gray." Ladies...
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Our Poetical Favorites: A Selection from the Best Minor Poems of the English ...

1881 - 520 pages
...The odorous purple of a new-born rose, Which streams upon her stream, and glassed within it glows, Filled with the face of heaven, which, from afar, the dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new color as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, till 't is gone — and all is gray. LORD BYRON....
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The American Travellers' Guides: Hand-books ..., Volume 2 ;Volume 23,Partie 2

William Pembroke Fetridge - 1881 - 795 pages
...out four of the statues which are by Canova. " All its hues, From the rich sunset to the rising stai\ Their magical variety diffuse : And now they the dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new color as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, till— 'tis gone, and all ig gray." The interior...
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Proceedings, Abstracts of Lectures and a Brief Report of the Discussions of ...

National Education Association of the United States - 1881 - 372 pages
...fires, while he still lingers above the verge of the horizon. So BYEON has given a glowing image in : " Parting day, Dies like the dolphin, whom each pang Imbues With a new color as It gasps away, The last still loveliest, till— tls gone— and all Is gray." IV. The qualities...
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The Addresses and Journal of Proceedings of the National Educational Association

National Educational Association (U.S.) - 1881 - 372 pages
...fires, while he still lingers above the verge of the horizon. So BYRON has given a glowing image in : " Parting day, Dies like the dolphin, whom each pa,ng imbues With a new color as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, till— tis gone— and all is gray." IV. The qualities...
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A Text-book on English Literature: With Copious Extracts from the Leading ...

Brainerd Kellogg - 1882 - 492 pages
...The odorous purple of a new-born rose, Which streams upon her stream, and glassed within it glows, Filled with the face of heaven, which, from afar, the dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new color as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, till — 'tis gone — and all is gray. From Parisina....
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The Cyclopædia of Practical Quotations: English and Latin, with an Appendix ...

Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, Anna Lydia Ward - 1882 - 926 pages
...As conscious she had ill fulfilled The promise of the dawn. i. ANNA LETITIA BAKBAULD — To-morrow. Parting day Dies like the dolphin, whom each pang' imbues With a new colour as it gasps aw ay, The last still loveliest, till — 'tis "gone— and all is gray. j. BYBON— Child« Harold....
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The Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works of Lord Byron: With a Comprehensive ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1883 - 1162 pages
...purple of a new-born rose, Which streams upon her stream, and glass'd within it glows, XXIX. Fill'd with the face of heaven, which, from afar, Comes the dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new color as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, iill—'tis gone—and all is gray. XXX. There is...
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A Text-book on English Literature: With Copious Extracts from the Leading ...

Brainerd Kellogg - 1883 - 492 pages
...with the face of heaven, which, from afar, Comes down upon the waters; all its hues, From the rieh sunset to the rising star. Their magical variety the dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new color as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, till — 'tis gone — and all is gray. From Parigina....
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The Speaker's Garland and Literary Bouquet: Combining 100 Choice ..., Volume 5

1883 - 804 pages
...never sought in vain. Solid love, whose root is virtue, can no more die, than virtue itself. Erasmus. Parting day Dies like the dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new color as it gasps away, — The last still loveliest, till — 'tis gone — and all is gray. Byron....
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