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" And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd : and he began to teach them many things. "
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: With Text Carefully ... - Page 154
de Adam Clarke - 1838 - 546 pages
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The Gospel According to Mark: Authorized King James Version

1999 - 68 pages
...knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him. MAnd Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was...unto him, and said, 'This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed; Msend them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the...
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The Miracles of Christ

Dmitri Royster - 1999 - 164 pages
...spiritual wellbeing. In fact, in St. Mark's account of the same incident, it is noted that the Lord "was moved with compassion toward them, because they...shepherd: and He began to teach them many things" (6:34). Also we should remember His invitation to the disciples, when the Samaritans approached: "Lift...
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John R. Rice Bible Stories

John R. Rice - 2000 - 458 pages
...crowd came where Jesus had drawn apart for a little quiet rest and leisure. Oh, how the heart of Jesus "was moved with compassion toward them, because they...shepherd: and He began to teach them many things." How they hung upon His words out there on that hillside not far from the Sea of Galilee. The day drew...
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The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers, Volume 2

M. F. Toal - 2000 - 502 pages
...cities, and were there before them. And Jesus going out saw a great multitude: and he had compassion on them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd, and he began to teach them many things. And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came to him, saying: This is a desert place, and...
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St. Matthew

Willoughby C. Allen - 2000 - 468 pages
...and healed their sick.~\ Mk. has : " And going forth, He saw a great multitude, and had compassion on them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd : and He began to teach them much." — ¿¿сЛвшс] in Mk. almost certainly means "having disembarked." That is to say, the...
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The Son of God

John R. Rice - 2000 - 422 pages
...about five thousand men," as does Luke 9:14. Why did Jesus feed the multitude miraculously? Because He "was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd" (Mark 6:34). There we are told that because of His compassion He "began to teach them many things."...
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Gospel of the Four: A Unique Conflation of the Four Gospels Into a Single ...

Peter B. Jones - 2002 - 572 pages
...were diseased. Mark 6:34 Matthew 14:14 Luke 9:1 Ib And Jesus when He came out, saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and He received them, and began to teach them many things, and spoke to them of the Kingdom of God, and healed...
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Life-Study of Mark: Messages 17-33

Witness Lee - 2002 - 161 pages
...the Lord. Mark 6:34 says, "And coming out from the boat, He saw a great crowd and had compassion on them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things." His expression of compassion exhibited the Slave-Savior's virtue in His humanity, which was carried...
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Order in the Church

Don Maddox - 2003 - 182 pages this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands? " " Mark 6:34 •^And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people,...shepherd: and he began to teach them many things. SIGNS-QF THE TEACHER The most outstanding sign of the teacher is his ability to refresh and revive...
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The Gospel of Mark

Robert E. Picirilli - 2003 - 468 pages
...knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him. 34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and...shepherd: and he began to teach them many things. If Jesus and the disciples hoped to escape notice, they were not successful. "The people saw" is, literally,...
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